Welcome to a new way of life!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to a new way of life! 9/7/2018 9:59 PM Welcome to a new way of life! West Puget Sound Area of Narcotics Anonymous New Comer Workshop © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Welcome to the New Comer Workshop! The purpose of this workshop is to give you, the newcomer, an introduction to Narcotics Anonymous, by showing you what to expect in meetings, the ins & outs of the Program, what NA is & isn’t…just an overall synopsis, if you will, of what a new life in NA has to offer.

the things that I cannot change, The Serenity Prayer “ God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Attendance Sheet Procedure Attendance sheets will be signed and ready for you at the end of the workshop. Please be aware that the signing of these sheets is a courtesy provided by NA. It is not mandated. We never endorse, finance, or lend the NA name to any outside organization. We cooperate with, but never affiliate with, entities such as courts, hospitals, treatment centers, recovery houses, or other Twelve Step programs.

The NA symbol and its meaning… All sides rise to the point of Freedom. The greater the base, (as we grow in unity in numbers and in fellowship) the broader the sides of the pyramid, and the higher the point of freedom.

NA-related Announcements Who here knows what an NA-related announcement is? Can you give an example of an NON-NA related announcement? o

NA Meetings: Types of Meetings: -Open vs. Closed meetings -How to read directory legend Home Group Support Group

The West Puget Sound Area directory

The WPSA directory & meeting schedule…

NA Meetings: Readings at meetings: Who Is an Addict, Basic Text pg3 What is the NA Program, Basic Text pg9 Why Are We Here, Basic Text pg13 How It Works, Basic Text pg17 The Twelve Traditions of NA, Basic Text pg60 We Do Recover, Basic Text pg87 Just for Today, Basic Text pg93

NA Membership: Third Tradition: “The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.” “Membership is not automatic when someone walks in the door, or when the newcomer decides to stop using. The decision to become a part of our fellowship rests with the individual.” -Basic Text pg65

Total abstinence as defined by NA… “The only way to keep from returning to active addiction is not to take that first drug. If you are like us you know that one is too many and a thousand never enough. We put great emphasis on this, for we know that when we use drugs in any form, or substitute one for another, we release our addiction all over again. Thinking of alcohol as different from other drugs has caused a great many addicts to relapse. Before we came to NA, many of us viewed alcohol separately, but we cannot afford to be confused about this. Alcohol is a drug. We are people with the disease of addiction who must abstain from all drugs in order to recover.” -Basic Text pg18

Total abstinence as defined by NA… NA World Board of Trustees Bulletin #29: Regarding Methadone and Other Drug Replacement Programs Many groups have developed guidelines to ensure that an atmosphere of recovery is maintained in their meetings. The following points are usually included: Suggesting that those who have used any drug within the last twenty-four hours refrain from sharing, but encouraging them to get together with members during the break or after the meeting.  Abiding by our fellowship's suggested clean time requirements for service positions.  Seeking meeting leaders, chairpersons, or speakers who help further our primary purpose of carrying the message to the addict who still suffers.  purpose of carrying the message to the addict who still suffers. 

Total Abstinence as defined by NA:

Clarity Statement At NA meetings we introduce ourselves as addicts. When members introduce themselves as “addicts and alcoholics” or talk about living “clean and sober” the clarity of the NA message is blurred. To speak in this manner suggests that there are two diseases, that somehow one drug is separate from the rest, requiring special recognition. Our identification as ADDICTS is all- inclusive in reference to the disease of addiction, allowing us to focus on our similarities and not our differences.

Newcomers NA meetings will ask if there are any newcomers in their first thirty days of clean time. Tradition Five “Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.” –Basic Text pg67 message to the addict who still suffers.”

The 7th Tradition & Self Support Tradition Seven Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” -Basic Text pg70

IP#24 – Money Matters Ways to Contribute Show up and welcome a newcomer! Sweep the floor, help stack chairs, or empty the trash. When we leave the meeting room, it should be as clean as, or cleaner than, it was when we arrived. Give time and energy in service to the group, or any goods and supplies your groups or service committees might need. Give money at the meetings you attend. Remember, whether it’s dollars, pounds, euros, or any other type of currency, it probably can’t buy as much today as it used to. Make clean date contributions of money or literature to your home group, or contributions for each year clean to NAWS, or both. Contribute directly to each level of service. Set up automatic recurring contributions to NA World Services by visiting www.na.org. Some members make arrangements to leave a specified amount of money to NA in their will or estate, or contribute in memory of a deceased member. Be of service.

The 7th Tradition & Self Support: IP#28 – Funding NA Services

Service What does "Being of Service“ mean in NA? Our literature says that our primary purpose in Narcotics Anonymous is to “Carry the message to the addict who still suffers.” We do this by being of service. Service comes in many forms and can be undertaken by anyone. Often NA members will share about "being of service" in our regular meetings. When we are new, it's easy to wonder “exactly what does that means.” Though some NA service centers (such as the World Service Office) have special workers who are paid, the majority of tasks completed for NA are completed by individual members who volunteer their time. Meetings don't just happen; we have to make them happen. Some of the ways NA members will be of service to their home group are: Showing up early to help set up the meeting Greet members as they arrive to the meeting Making coffee Volunteering to chair the meeting Staying after the meeting to help clean up It is also suggested that you attend your home group's business meeting. Anyone can get involved, if they choose to from the first day of their recovery. This literature was adapted from ’Being of Service’ a Northwestern Michigan Area of Narcotics Anonymous publication Being of Service published 2013 revision 4 This literature was adapted from ’Being of Service’ a Northwestern Michigan Area of Narcotics Anonymous publication This literature was adapted from ’Being of Service’ a Northwestern Michigan Area of Narcotics Anonymous publication

Sharing our Experience, Strength & Hope… In NA meetings we share in a general way our life experience. We deal with every aspect of our addiction, not just its most obvious symptom, our uncontrollable drug use. We try to avoid specific details of our using. As stated in “What Is the Narcotics Anonymous Program?”, “We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you’ve done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.”

Behavior Statement: It is also important to consider how we’re viewed by society. When NA meetings first began in many places, it was illegal for addicts to meet under any circumstances. Even where meetings are legal, the public often views groups of addicts with alarm. Until NA has established a good public reputation, it may be difficult for addicts to find meeting places. If our behavior as NA members is still destructive and selfish, we will once again have difficulty meeting openly. We help protect our reputation as a fellowship when we treat our meeting facilities with respect, keeping them clean and in good repair. We should take care to act like good neighbors, conducting ourselves respectfully…. If the public reputation of Narcotics Anonymous is somehow impaired, addicts may die. -Tradition Four, Page 155, It Works: How and Why

Do’s & Don’ts at NA meetings… Show up on time. Show respect for those sharing by active listening. When sharing, keep it on your recovery. Show respect for the meeting place by throwing away any trash or mopping up any spills and by picking up your cigarette butts outside. Get phone numbers on a phone list and reach out by using them. No matter what, KEEP COMING BACK! not to do in an NA meeting – Do’s & Don’ts Things not to do in an NA meeting – Do’s & Don’ts

Do’s & Don’ts at NA meetings Cross talk - Outbursts and comments -Open advice to someone who spoke Disruptive behavior – Violence, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated. See the Service Pamphlet (SP) “Disruptive & Violent Behavior”. Unattended children – This impairs our relationships with facilities. Please try to bring something quiet for your children to do during the meeting, or ask for help. Keep your children with you at all times(!) Don’t throw cigarette butts on the ground outside(!!)

How It Works: The 12 Steps How It Works -Working a program -A program of recovery “If you want what we have to offer, and are willing to make the effort to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. These are the principles that made our recovery possible.” - Basic Text, pg17

How It Works: Sponsorship One of the first suggestions many of us hear when we begin attending NA meetings How It Works: Sponsorship WHO is a sponsor? Most members think of a sponsor, first and foremost, as someone who can help us work the Twelve Steps of NA, and sometimes the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts. WHAT does a sponsor do? Sponsors share their experience, strength, and hope with their sponsees. WHAT does a sponsee do? One suggestion is to have regular contact with our sponsor. In addition to phoning our sponsor, we can arrange to meet up at meetings. HOW do we get a sponsor? To get a sponsor, all we need to do is ask. While this is simple, it may not be easy. WHEN should we get a sponsor? Most members consider it important to get a sponsor as soon as possible, while others explain that it is just as crucial to take a little time to look around and make an informed decision. WHEN sh

Higher Power Step Two in the NA Basic Text reads: “Our understanding of a Higher Power is up to us. No one is going to decide for us. We can call it the group, the program, or we can call it God. The only suggested guidelines are that this Power be loving, caring, and greater than ourselves. We don’t have to be religious to accept this idea. The point is that we open our minds to believe. -Basic Text, pg24

What NA is Not… NA is not: -A religious movement -An employment agency -A social service organization. We have no paid social workers. NA does not: -Prescribe or pay for treatment for addicts -Does not run hospitals, treatment or rehab facilities, recovery houses, or any other outside enterprises. Narcotics Anonymous is here to help any addict who wants to stop using.

NA Literature Basic Text It Works: How and Why Step Working Guides(also called “the flat book”) Just for Today Living Clean: The Journey Continues Little White Book (free at Workshop and some meetings) Booklets (other) Information pamphlets or IP’s are free at all meetings

Get to a meeting!!

Area website: www.WPSANA.org

Regional Website: www.WNIRNA.org

NA World Services: www.NA.org

In Closing… Here are some tools that work for us: Come to ninety meetings in ninety days and don’t use in between. Read some NA literature every day. Our pamphlets and meeting schedules are free, and the Basic Text and other books are for sale. Get a sponsor. If you don’t know what that is, read the pamphlet on sponsorship. Get phone numbers and use them. Most importantly: KEEP COMING BACK!

The 3rd Step Prayer Many of us have said, “Take my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to live.” -Basic Text, pg. 26 to live.”