Problems with United Canadas French and English people constantly disagreed and couldn't pass bills Two choices: Give each colony more economic and political power to do what it wants Have all the colonies work together in Confederation
Threat from the United States Some American politicians were talking about taking over parts of British Columbia Would they try to take over the rest of British North America too?
Trade The colonies had reciprocity (free trade) with the United States but not with each other The United States was talking about ending reciprocity The colonies thought they would benefit from having free trade among themselves
Railways There were no railways connecting the western and eastern railway systems If the colonies joined Confederation, they could share the cost of building a railway
Demand for More Land Most of the new settlers coming to BNA wanted land to farm If the colonies bought more land together, then settlers could move west This could make money and keep out the Americans
What kind of country did they make? The new country would still be loyal to Britain It would have a federal system of government Each province would look after local issues, culture, and education The national government would look after defence Each of the colonies would become a province in the new country