Animations & Videos Endosymbiosis (Bozeman) (in plain English) (detailed animation) Chloroplast evolution animation|00010|00040|&ns=0 Kingdom Protista intro amoeba feeding cytoplasmic streaming _cytoplasmic_streaming.html paramecium flagella & cilia malaria http://glencoe.mcgraw- Algae
Protista Classification: Animal-like = Protozoa Plant-like = Algae Fungus-like = Moulds All live in aqueous / moist environments
PROTOZOA Phyla for protozoa are based on type of locomotion / mobility Common Name Proper Phyla Name Example Protozoa Flagellates Zoomastigina Trypanosoma Sarcodines Sarcodina Amoeba Ciliates Ciliophora Paramecium Sporozoans Sporozoa Plasmodium
Flagellates / Zoomastigina Has one or more flagella Has hard, protective covering Freeliving, parasitic and symbiotic Ex. Trypanosoma – African Sleeping Sickness Human parasite
Sarcodines / Sarcodina Have pseudopodia Mostly live in animal intestines A few parasites, free-living Example: Amoeba Pseudopodia allows it to move and engulf prey Have ectoplasm and endoplasm Feed via phagocytosis Reproduction by binary fission
Ciliates / ciliophora Has cilia (hair-like structures) Free-living, symbiosis, parasites 2 nuclei One for macro controls – cell activities One for micro controls – reproduction
Sporozoans / Sporozoa No flagella, cilia or pseudopodia Generally parasites Have few organelles and specialized structures Complex life cycles Reproduce without fertilization (ex. Spores)
ALGAE ( Plant-like protists) Protists that contain chlorophyll Lack the leaves, stems, roots and water-conducting tissues Algae are classified into six phyla, based on the type of chroloplasts and pigments they have
Phylum: Chlorophytes -Autotrophs -Pigments: chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids -Live in fresh water, some in moist soils and costal tropical seas -Some are unicellular and some are multicellular Examples: Green Algae, Spirogyra, Volvox
Phylum: Phaeophytes -Autotrophs -Pigments: chlorophyll a and c, carotenoid, fucoxanthin -Live in colder seawater Examples: Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweed
Phylum: Rhodophyta -Autotrophs -Pigments: chlorophyll a, carotenoids, phycobilin -Some live in fresh water, but mostly in warmers sea water Example: Red Algae
Phylum: Chrysophyta -Autotrophs -Pigments: chrolophyll a and c, carotenoids -Live in fresh and salt water -Diatoms are generally unicellular -Diatoms are a major source of oxygen -Diatoms are the biggest component of plankton Example: Golden-Brown Algae, Diatoms
Phylum: Pyrophyta -Autotrophs -Pigments: chlorophyll a and c, carotenoids -Unicellular -Major component of oceanic phytoplankton Example :
Phylum: Euglenophyta -Autotrophs or heterotroph -Pigments: chlorophyll a and c, carotenoid -Half of them do not have chloroplasts -Unicellular -Live in fresh water Example : Euglena
MOULD – Fungus-like Slime Mould Water Mould Difficult to classify because they are like: Protozoa since they glide Plants since they have cellulose cell wall Fungi since they produce spores
Here’s the Breakdown: Phyla: Oomycota Phyla: Myxomycota Water PROTISTA Slime Phyla: Myxomycota Phyla: Acrasiomycota
Phylum: Oomycota -Saprotrophs -Some are parasites 175 species Example: Water mould
Phylum: Myxomycota -Slug-like organisms -Contain many nuclei -Feed by engulfing -Spores are produced during sexual reproduction -560 species Example: Plasmodial slime moulds
Phylum: Acrasiomycota -Exists as individual amoeboild cells with 1 nucleus -Feed by ingesting yeast, bacteria -65 species Example: Cellular slime moulds