Building an Open and Information Rich Institution Danny Kingsley and Sarah Shreeves FSCI 2017 THURSDAY
Reflections (10 mins)
Shared resources Places to go: Shared Google Drive - Day 1 slides Day 2 slides Day 3 slides Zotero - Course evaluation survey, also linked on Observations participants can give feedback anytime.
Discussion points - unconference Two discussion groups: UK-SCL (modelled on the Harvard model) and other national efforts in context of where will we be in five year’s time How do we have conversations with stakeholders outside the library? What are the informal and formal routes to stakeholders? We will split into two groups and have a roundtable discussion on the topic.
Dominic Tate (60 mins)
Break (15 mins)
Mapping your own institution (40 mins)
Let’s talk about governance first Is the committee structure in your institution publicly available? Which committees relate to you? How do you access this system (mechanism or people)
It can be complicated - academic led
Are there other considerations?
And the administration
What about the Schools/Faculties Cambridge Schools and Faculties:
One School
What is YOUR rule book?
Example from University of Illinois - Pt 1 Goal: To have an open access policy for all theses and dissertations and to require electronic deposit Leads: Library and Graduate College Stakeholders/Decision Makers: Graduate Students Departments / College Directors of Graduate Studies (every dept has one) Tech Transfer Office Advisory committees to Graduate College (faculty and students) Faculty Senate Executive Committee for Graduate College
University of Illinois - Part 2 Lots of discussion between GC and Library (2007-2008) Formation of a working group with reps from GC, Lib, Stakeholder groups (Fall 2008) Draft policy - looking at existing requirements language (Spring/Summer 2008) General consultation with stakeholders including Faculty Senate (Fall semester - 2008) Pilot project (Spring - Fall 2009) In depth consultations with stakeholders with concerns or that we knew could block the policy (Spring 2009) Revisions of policy (specifically about embargos) (Spring - Summer 2009) Faculty Senate (Fall 2009) Advisory Committees (Fall 2009) Executive Committee for GC (end of Fall 2009) Full implementation (Spring 2010)
Choose your goal Co-ordination of management activities – mapping organisational structure to the decision structure
Mapping the decision making process Given your chosen ‘goals’, consider the aspects that are: Strategic Tactical Operational In pairs take one goal and discuss your own organisations - who is the person/people/group that will need to agree at each of these stages Is this something that can be managed within your immediate organisation or does it involve the wider institution? Does this affect existing policies? What level of consultation might be needed?
Getting down to the nitty gritty On your own determine practical issues: What policies or decisions can you use that support your argument? Who are the decision makers? How can you get to them? Are there committees that need to be consulted before proceeding to decision making? When are committee meetings held? Are the Agendas and Minutes available online? Who in your organisation sits on this committee? Are there expectations about how documentation is produced? What/who might be the blockers in this process? Do you have any champions? Is there anything you can do with timing that might help (scheduling of meetings etc?)
For tomorrow Get an overview of the week How do we tell these stories / package what we are doing What’s the next thing on the horizon that we might be tackling New modes of publication Faculty reward system Data
Unconference (40 mins)
Discussion points - unconference Two discussion groups: UK-SCL (modelled on the Harvard model) and other national efforts in context of where will we be in five year’s time How do we have conversations with stakeholders outside the library? What are the informal and formal routes to stakeholders?
Unconference - Stakeholders
Closing Discussion (10 mins)