School of Science and Sport Athena Swan Bronze Award Application Academic Leads: Fiona Henriquez; Chris Easton Professional Service Lead: Valerie Cassidy Email:
ECU’s Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research
In May 2015 the charter was expanded to recognise work undertaken in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL), and in professional and support roles, and for trans staff and students The charter now recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women
UWS has achieved Bronze Award Bronze institution awards recognise that the institution has a solid foundation for eliminating gender bias and developing an inclusive culture that values all staff and students. UWS is committed to promoting gender equality, and has become a proud member of the Athena SWAN Charter in April 2016.
Our School of Science and Sport now is aiming to achieve an Athena Swan bronze award in recognition of developing an inclusive culture and creating opportunities for EVERYONE, for our students, for our staff Submission Date April 2017
It is so important that you know that your School is going for this award as it is a SCHOOL application Self assessment team Dean ADs PS UG P&OD AS PG iv) Support given to students (at any level) for academic career progression Comment and refect on support given to students at any level to enable them to make informed decisions about their career (including the transition to a sustainable academic career). Athena Swan Application Submission
It is so important that you know that your School is going for this award as it is a SCHOOL application Self assessment team Dean ADs PS UG P&OD AS PG We are looking for UG representatives on the SAT iv) Support given to students (at any level) for academic career progression Comment and refect on support given to students at any level to enable them to make informed decisions about their career (including the transition to a sustainable academic career). Athena Swan Application Submission
Great opportunity to tell you about some of the activities that the School and the University have in place to support you in your academic career progression and to enable you to make informed decisions about your career Work placements
Volunteer Recognition Award Participate in outreach activities with staff and postgraduate students Participate in Science Festivals and promoting science in schools Good for the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) Contacts UWS external engagement team and School external engagement group Find out more on MOODLE
Focus on Employability Employers Mentoring Scheme (Recognised as part of HEAR) Research Institute Research Seminars External speakers Insight into Research Careers and Postgraduate Study Study abroad opportunities (ERASMUS) Integrated work placements Why did you choose to study with us? If programme was delivered at another campus, which one would you choose?
Employability-Focus Event Learn more about the Employer Mentoring Scheme Identify personal strengths and skills for your future career Find out more on MOODLE, including registration and dates of sessions Why did you choose to study with us? If programme was delivered at another campus, which one would you choose?
If you are interested in being a representative on our Athena Swan SAT Follow us at: @ScienceSportUWS @UWSAthena @FionaHenriquez School of Science and Sport, UWS If you are interested in being a representative on our Athena Swan SAT Please email: