Segregation in education Catchment areas and admission policies in Slovakia European Economic and Social Committee 15 November 2017 Peter Dráľ Nové školstvo / New Education
Municipality „Čižmany“
spatial, organisational, physical, symbolic or institutional. Segregation at different levels of education is a result of various direct and indirect discriminatory practices: spatial, organisational, physical, symbolic or institutional.
Since discriminatory practices differ, different interventions to prevent and tackle segregation may or may not work.
An example from Slovakia: transition of pupils from primary to lower secondary education transition from municipal to district town schools
Example of a Slovak district Ratio of Roma population District town „Váhov“ – 9,8 % Municipality „Čižmany“ – 65 % Municipality „Perník“ – 0% Municipality „Okolok“ – 0% Municipality „Vetec“ – 50 % Municipality „Klačany“ – 0% Municipality „Farské“ – 42 % Municipality „Pencovce“ – 19% Source: Atlas of Roma communities, 2013.
Available schools? ZŠ „2“ 3,1% ZŠ „J“ 7% ZŠ „K“ 83% ZŠ „L“ 21% ZŠ „B“ 1,7% ZŠ „L“ 21% School capacity School „2“ 124% School „K“ 68% School „L“ 92% School „B“ 82% School „J“ 93% Source: Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, 2015.
Complicating factors Demography Migration Legislation school network management (including catchment area delineation) subsisides for transportation (and other financial (dis)incentives) lack of human resources distribution of responsibilities for providing quality education Practices division to classes spatial separation low expectations Beliefs „It is better for both sides to get education this way.“
How „neutral“ measures contribute to segregation provision of transportation subsidies conditioned by the enrolment to a school within a catchment area delineation of catchment areas
Interventions Preventing: catchment area policies and practices, local action plans Monitoring: precise definition of segregation, data, inspections Tackling: school support, incentives, sanctions, efficient enforcement All are needed to make segregation in education an irrational, costly and inefficient choice for education providers and school founders.
Thank you for your attention! Peter Dráľ