Loseley Fields Primary School Academy Consultation February 2016
Welcome Introductions Presentation Miss J Pearce-Haydon Presentation Mr. D. Moloney Your questions and views
What is the Proposal ? To convert to academy status and join a local Multi Academy Trust, Guildford Education Partnership, (GEP), formed in September 2013. This consists of George Abbot Secondary School, Kings College, Boxgrove Primary School, Fulbrook School, Sandfield Primary School.
Political landscape Labour government introduced the Academies Programme to improve failing schools. Under the Coalition government the programme was extended and schools were being strongly encouraged to convert . Under Michael Gove, a reformist education secretary, the coalition sought to speed up reforms, boosting the number of academies to about 4,000, almost 20 times as many as in 2010. Up to 1,000 schools in England, including all those rated inadequate by Ofsted, will be turned into academies, the government has announced recently. (Coasting schools) Education and Adoption Bill seeks to "remove bureaucratic and legal loopholes" that slow up the process of turning failing schools into academies. Already nearly 5,000 academies. ( 60% secondary and 15% primary)
Benefits for the children
Sustain and build on current success in raising standards What are the benefits ? Sustain and build on current success in raising standards Stronger together with other schools but the school retains its uniqueness and continues to serve the local community Better recruitment and retention of teachers Staff being part of a larger group of schools gives more opportunity for career progression. George Abbot has a teacher training school. Enhanced professional development Staff developing and sharing expertise with a larger group of colleagues with a range of experience and skills Access to specialist skills. Opportunities to employ /commission specialist skills amongst schools Richer curriculum and learning opportunities Shared resources, cross school projects and experiences Effective use of budgets through economies of scale Voice in strategic direction History of working together
What stays the same ? Our drive to continually improve the education we provide for all children. Our children, staff, our jobs (current pay conditions inline with LA) Staff TUPE across • Our school’s name and ethos/vision/unique character • We will continue to have our own local governing body as will the other schools • Each school would still be bound by the statutory codes for Special Educational Needs • Our admissions criteria and catchment areas • We value our relationships with immediate other local schools and these will not change • The school day and terms • Our school uniform
Next steps ? Thorough consultation period with staff and parents. All will be kept informed through the process. Opportunities to explore the option in greater detail. Timeline likely to be a September 2016 start if proposal is actioned. We understand that this decision will mean many questions and some concerns as well as exciting opportunities. (Information on school website)
Questions and comments