Motions Related to the Selection Procedure July 2001 Motions Related to the Selection Procedure Shoemake, TGg Chairperson
Hayes/Boer Motion Moves that: July 2001 Hayes/Boer Motion Moves that: · The next round of voting, and subsequent rounds of voting, under Step 19 of the TGg Selection Procedure are used to improve the proposal that already has broad support and thus are NOT used as elimination rounds · Voters shall be allowed the following options on the ballot to select the remaining proposal: a.) “Approve” --- indicating support for the proposal in its then current form b.) “Do not approve” --- indicating that the proposal is not yet acceptable c.) “Abstain” --- indicating a non-vote · The 75% approve level is based on the total of “Approve” and “Do not approve” votes, and does not include “Abstain” votes. · Between ballots, the proposal team for the remaining proposal will be allowed an opportunity to: 1.) Ask those members voting “no” to explain their objection to the proposal 2.) Make modifications to the proposal and/or merge with other proposals to address objections Shoemake, TGg Chairperson
Hayes/Boer Motion with Carney Amendment July 2001 Hayes/Boer Motion with Carney Amendment The next round of voting, and subsequent rounds of voting, under Step 19 of the TGg Selection Procedure are used to determine support for the remaining proposal. Voters shall be allowed the following options on the ballot to select the remaining proposal: a.) “For Proposal” --- indicating support for the proposal in its then current form b.) “Reject Proposal” --- indicating that the proposal is not acceptable in its current form c.) “Abstain” --- indicating a non-vote The level of support is based on the total of “For Proposal” and “Against Proposal” votes, and does not include “Abstain” votes. Until a level of 75% has been attained for the final proposal - indicating its formal selection - between ballots, the team making the remaining proposal will be allowed to modify that proposal. Should the remaining proposal fail to attain 50% support on any vote, the rounds of voting will terminate, the selection procedure will have been completed, the remaining proposal will be eliminated, and the body will then determine what happens next. Shoemake, TGg Chairperson
July 2001 Clements Motion The first action should be to determine the current level of support in the task group for CCK-OFDM. To do this, a vote should be taken in the form suggested by Vic Hayes in doc.:IEEE 802.11-01/415-r0, which seeks results for the categories of Approve, Do not approve, and Abstain. If the support shown is at least 75%, the proposal should be selected as the basis for a TGg draft. If the support is below 75%, but in the majority, the will of the majority should be followed as to how to attempt further consensus. If, however, the approval rate is below 50% the down selection process should terminate with no selection, and the task group should develop a new selection plan. Shoemake, TGg Chairperson
July 2001 Heegard Motion Move to openly discuss, deliberate & adopt an unambiguous revised Step 19 procedure, reinstate all proposals eliminated under the current step 19 and execute the revised procedure following the failure to obtain a 75% approval of the CCK/OFDM proposal on a YES/NO/ABSTAIN ballot; in the event that > 75% approval is obtained on the ballot, the process moves to step 20. Shoemake, TGg Chairperson
July 2001 Smart Motion Step 19 shall be execute again by reinstating all three proposals that were in consideration at the beginning of that round. Step 19 shall be execute again with NONE OF THE ABOVE option added to the ballot When only one candidate proposal remains in the rounds of voting, there shall be one and only one additional vote. If the proposal obtains >=75%, the proposal shall be used for generating the first draft proposal. If the proposal obtains <75%, the proposal will also be eliminated, the Selection Procedure will be over, and it will be up to the members at large to determine how to proceed in enabling a draft standard Shoemake, TGg Chairperson