Anatomy & Physiology II Unit Five
The Respiratory System Nasal cavity The Respiratory System Pharynx Epiglottis Oral cavity Glottis Larynx Trachea Primary bronchus Secondary bronchus Tertiary bronchus
Respiratory bronchiole The Respiratory System Bronchiole Pulmonary arteriole Pulmonary venule Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Capillary beds Alveoli
Inspiration & Expiration Respiration is divided into three phases: + ventilation + external respiration + internal respiration
Inspiration & Expiration Ventilation occurs due to differences in pressure Humans mechanically produce an internal pressure that is less than the atmospheric pressure This is called negative pressure breathing
Inspiration & Expiration Intrapulmonary pressure - pressure found inside the lungs (alveoli) Intrapleural pressure - pressure found outside the lungs in the pleural cavity Transplumonary pressure - difference between the two
Inspiration & Expiration
Inspiration & Expiration
Inspiration & Expiration Compliance - the ability of the lungs to stretch and distend Elasticity - lung characteristic produced by large amounts of elastin connective tissues Elastic resistance - the tenancy of elastic fibers to return to original position (elastic recoil)
Inspiration & Expiration
Muscles of Inspiration & Expiration Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes External intercostals Pectoralis minor Internal intercostals Internal intercostals External abdominal obliques Rectus abdominis Diaphragm
Lung Volumes
Ventilation Terminology Eupnea - normal, relaxed quiet ventilation Apnea - temporary cessation of ventilation Dyspnea - labored ventilation
Ventilation Terminology Hyperventilation - ventilation faster than necessary for metabolic demands Hypoventilation - ventilation slower than necessary for metabolic demands
Ventilation Terminology Anoxia - condition in which there is little or no oxygen Pneumothorax - presence of air in the pleural cavity Atelectasis - collapsed lung
Pulmonary Disorders COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder Asthma - obstructive disorder caused by inflammation, mucus secretions & constriction of air passageways
Pulmonary Disorders Emphysema - obstructive disorder caused by destruction of alveolar tissue Bronchitis - obstructive disorder caused by inflammation & the mucus it causes
Pulmonary Disorders Pneumonia - lower respiratory tract infection that causes the alveoli to fill with fluids Tuberculosis - caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis - stimulates the lungs to form nodules
Pulmonary Disorders Cystic fibrosis - a genetic disorder that clogs air passageways by the production of a thick, heavy mucus
Pulmonary Disorders Bronchiogenic carcinoma - lung cancer that arises from the bronchial tubes ~ squamous cell carcinoma ~ small cell carcinoma Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women
Pulmonary Disorders Pulmonary fibrosis - reduced compliance and elasticity due to the accumulation of fibrous connective tissues as a result of lung damage Black lung - form of pulmonary fibrosis due to inhalation of carbon dust