Wraparound, a Tier 3 Process Rachel Saladis saladisr@ wisconsinpbisnetwork.org schwindth@ wawmsd.org Carrie McCarthy Hailey Schwindt Berlin Area School District cmccarthy@ berlin.k12.wi.us West Allis West Milwaukee SD schwindth@ wawmsd.org
What is Wraparound? A defined planning process for supporting youth and families with complex needs Effective Implementation – Tier 3 Solid extensions – Tier 2 Strong foundations – Tier 1
Principles of Wraparound Family voice and choice Team-based Natural supports Collaboration Community-based Culturally responsive Individualized Strengths-based Unconditional care Outcome-based
Phases of Wraparound System identifies need for tertiary level services and supports Phase 1: Engagement and team preparation Phase 2: Initial plan development Phase 3: Implement and monitor Phase 4: Transition
Wraparound Teams and Meetings Teams are unique to the individual child and family Blend the family’s supports with the school representatives who know the child best Meeting process Meet frequently Regularly develop and review interventions Facilitator role Role of bringing team together Role of blending perspectives
Wraparound Teams and Meetings Communicate differently… No blaming, no shaming Start with strengths Family’s needs are priority Listen to their story before any planning Validate their perspective
Wraparound Teams and Meetings Family chooses team members Team meets when & where family is comfortable Family (including the youth) feels like it is their meeting and their plan instead of feeling like they are attending a meeting the school or agency is having about them.
Interested in wrap training for your school? This is Tier 3 Fidelity at Tier 1 for at least 2 years Multiple Tier 1 interventions and B-FBA Schedule a readiness conversation to learn more!