Welcome to First Grade Please have a seat at your child’s desk. If you have corrected, signed and dated the Student Profile paper in a different color ink, you may leave it on the kidney shaped table.
Introduction Meet Mrs. Messinger 7th year at Arcola Second year in first grade Taught in Fairfax County Live in Front Royal
Communication Remind (M-F 7AM-5:30PM) Arcola Website Email – not urgent Take home folder Fall Conference Phone calls and notes as necessary Please communicate with your child as well
Housekeeping *Nurse Specials Schedule: on my webpage Class celebrations (30 minutes each) *three each year *Fall Harvest Party, Winter/Holiday Party End of year Party Birthdays No food, no goodie bags invitations can only be distributed if all students are included Field Trips *One field trip- not certain where yet Medication *Nurse Specials Schedule: on my webpage
Food Snacks should be separated from lunch. Lunch begins at 12:00 each day. *joining your child for lunch *adding money to their account Snacks should be separated from lunch. Snack in backpack, not in lunchbox Healthy snack guidelines on my Arcola webpage NO nut products (3 nut allergies)
Homework Policy *Reading is expected every night Reading…Silently/Read Aloud- 20 minutes Optional Homework: Word Study (Spelling) Any website listed on Websites for Practice Visit my Arcola webpage
Homework Homework will be found in your child’s Take Home Folder as a reading log. It will begin the first week in October. Reading logs will be due each week on Friday. How can you help at home? Asking questions while reading… What is your favorite part? What does this remind you of, or any connections you might have? Tell me what happened in the story (Retelling with charters names, the setting and in order)
Word Study Word Study is Loudoun County’s spelling program. Words are sorted into groups based upon their features. gr br pl green brush place grape broom play grade breakfast plate
Class Products Effort to go paperless Project Based Learning Technology integration Considering trying out Bring Your Own Technology this year (no Kindles) More paper at the beginning of the year than the rest of the year
Wish List Amazon Basics On Ear Headphones Clorox/Lysol wipes
Star of the Week One student chosen each full week of school. Notification of upcoming Star of the Week will go home the Friday before in their Take Home Folder. The packet given is completely optional. Students will be chosen in alphabetical order.
Expectations Be kind to others. Do your own work Try your best Make good choices Stay safe
Behavior Management Plan Dragon Bites Whole class effort Reward given when jar is full Gold tags individual students rewarded each week Behavior communication sent home for persistent behaviors in Take Home Folder
Goals Develop self-control and self discipline Develop good listening skills Develop independent working skills Develop responsible individuals Develop social skills
Papers On desk: Emergency Information Volunteer opportunities Specials schedule Remind sign-up Papers can be turned in today, tomorrow, or anytime next week.
To Do List Ask questions Bring school supplies and your child to Open House tomorrow from 10:30-11:30 Thanks for coming!