Mrs. Nirvelorron’s – Third/Fourth Grade Class Welcome, Parents!
Welcome to Third/Fourth Grade! Together we embark on one of your child’s greatest adventures! We are a team! Let the adventure begin!
All About Me My background: I grew up in Virginia and New Jersey . I attended Peace College and James Madison University for my undergraduate degrees. George Mason University for my master’s degree. My experience: I’ve been an educator for 23 years. I have experience in public and private education as well as teaching at the university level. This is my second experience teaching third and fourth grade – TOGETHER!!
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills necessary to become a productive citizen. To provide a supportive and educational classroom environment. To help your child make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects Your child’s learning will focus on: 3rd grade – Reading (SOL test) Math (SOL test) 4th grade - Reading (SOL test) Math (SOL test) VA studies (SOL test)
THIRD/FOURTH GRADE GRADING SCALE 90 - 100 = A Excellent 87 - 89 = B+ Very Good 80 - 86 = B Good 77 - 79 = C+ Above Average 70 - 76 = C Average 67 - 69 =D+ Below Average 60 - 66 = D Poor 0 - 59 = F Failure
PWCS grading policy Math rubric A – 3.50 – 4.0 B+ - 3.30 – 3.49 F - .00 - .49
Field trips 3rd grade – Mt. Vernon – fall Hylton Planetarium - winter Lake Ridge Park - Spring 4th grade - Rappahannock river- fall Wegman’s – winter Jamestown – Spring $42.00
Reading We will have weekly quizzes to check knowledge. Both grades takes quarterly benchmark tests. Encourage 20 minutes of reading nightly!
Math Math instruction will focus on multi-step word problems! Use the connectEd website from home! Try tonight. Weekly fact fluency assessments.
UPSC – Understand, Plan, Solve, check
3rd grade curriculum Students join another 3rd grade class for social studies and science instruction. 3rd grade attend specials as a class.
4th grade -Virginia History Field trip to Jamestown – April 2016! Cost is $42.00 per student. SOL test in Spring. Review concepts everyday.
Sign the agenda EVERY NIGHT! Announcements I send home a daily email telling about our day. See me if you don’t receive it. Sign the agenda EVERY NIGHT! Store bought birthday treats may be brought in and served by the birthday celebrant during lunch.
Classroom Behavior Our class participates with the school wide Rocket Respect program. Students receive “punches” for positive behavior on their individual punch card. Students will receive incentives for being a quality student. Fun Friday movie – During lunch, for completing homework and positive behavior all week.
Conferences Conferences will be held Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3. Please sign up! Conference sign up is on the back table! Take a sticky note home with the date! Please refrain from asking me about your child tonight. Let’s have a private conversation in November OR email me. I welcome the opportunity to chat with you!
Enterprise Elementary School web site tools
FREE gift – book on desk! After the presentation, read the book with your child. Can you solve the magic square? Please take this book home to read with your child.
Wednesday yellow folder - return Mrs. Motha is unable to be here tonight. Please sign up for a conference. SOL test on back computers. Wednesday yellow folder - return
Looking forward to a STUPENDOUS year of learning with you and your child!