Page Layout & Links Lecture # 4
Specifying the Margins Put the following attributes inside the BODY tag: LEFTMARGIN=X TOPMARGIN=Y
Creating Indents Use horizontal type for paragraph indenting: <SPACER TYPE=“horizontal” SIZE=36> Use vertical type for spacing between paragraphs: <SPACER TYPE=“vertical” SIZE=24>
Creating Blocks of Space You can create blocks of space that you can wrap text around: <SPACER TYPE=“block” WIDTH=36 HEIGHT=45 ALIGN=left>
Centering Elements In addition to the align attribute you can use the center tag for centering any element on you web page. The center tag has a closing tag.
Using Block Quotes & Controlling Line Breaks Use the <BLOCKQUOTE> tag then close it. If you want your text to appear in one line without any breaks use <NOBR> tag and close it.
Links To create anchors use: To link to a specific anchor: <A NAME=anchorname>Introduction</A> NOTE: anchor name should be between quotes if it is more than a word. To link to a specific anchor: <A HREF=“#anchorname”>
Kinds of links <A HREF=“”>Mail me</A> <A HREF=“”>site name</A>
Targeting Links to New Windows Within the link definition type: TARGET=_blank
Creating Keyboard Shortcuts Within the link tag use the ACCESSKEY= attribute
Image Maps Divide your image into regions using a photo editor software. Define the map. Insert USEMAP=“#mapname” attribute in the image tag.
Changing the Color of Links Within the BODY tag use the following attributes: LINK VLINK ALINK