From Design to Installation courtesy R. Folch S. Atieh TS / MME


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Presentation transcript:

From Design to Installation courtesy R. Folch S. Atieh TS / MME FP420 NCC From Design to Installation courtesy R. Folch S. Atieh TS / MME

New Connection Cryostat 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Critical Components shuffling box bottom trays cold feet etc. busbar and cables 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Design and Manufacturing Issues Material requirements Vacuum requirements Cryogenic calculations Integration of beam screens Integration of cold/warm transitions Electrical specification and calculations Instrumentation and cabling Standard required tests Cold test (if required) 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Important components Beam screens Cold-warm transitions Vacuum chambers and vacuum systems Standard LHC components (cold feet, bottom trays, AL-SS transitions, etc.) Instrumentation devices 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Critical components/delays Superconducting bus-bar and cables (to be produced) Shuffling box (problematic if not from LHC) Supporting beam ~ 3-4 month delay Vacuum vessel ~ 4 month delay 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Minimal Project Schedule months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Project Approval Remaining Design Engineering review Production Assembly Start Installation Installation constraint by LHC shutdown periods Replacement of a connection cryostat requires warm up of complete sector! 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

Starting conditions Approval of FP420 & funding WP approval (EDMS 823322) * Pre-design approval Pressure equipment ⇒ AWP’s and welder qualifications Assembly in bldg. 112 is desirable & possible Transport and alignment (available in TS department) * detailed cost evaluation required; i.e. Bus-bars, instrumentation, tooling, ... 16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting

16 July 2008 D. Swoboda @ FP420 meeting