Week beginning Monday 20th November 2017 WEEK A Student Bulletin Week beginning Monday 20th November 2017 WEEK A
Congratulations to the Year 11 Netball team, who were the runners up in the county championships. Mr Edgar
YEAR 11 EXAMINATIONS Rooms being used are LSCR, Room 14/Library, Mrs Martin’s Office, Mrs Kirkwood’s Office & Base Office. They will be clearly marked with a ‘DO NOT ENTER SIGN’ and posters will be around the corridors. PLEASE REMAIN SILENT IN THESE AREAS A ONE WAY SYSTEM WILL BE IN FORCE FOR THE MAIN SCHOOL STAIRS ACCESS TO UPSTAIRS WILL BE VIA THE STAIRS NEAR THE TOILETS ALL UPSTAIRS ROOMS MUST BE VACATED VIA THE BACK STAIRS Thank you for your support over the coming week Mrs Pearson
ROOM CHANGES Room 14/Library Week beginning 20th November Monday 20th Lesson 1 GL intervention Room 35 Tuesday 21st Lesson 3 8F/MA Room 21 Lesson 3 SL intervention Room 20 Wednesday 22nd Lesson 2 GL Intervention Room 25 Lesson 4 SL intervention Room 15 Thursday 23rd Lesson 4 SL Intervention Room 15 Friday 24th Lesson 1 GL Intervention Room 15
LIBRARY OPENING TIMES W/B 20th November Monday 20th November Break Lunchtime onwards Tuesday 21st November Lunchtime onwards Wednesday 22nd November Break Thursday 23rd November Lunchtime onwards Friday 24th November Lunchtime onwards
SMSC Positive thought for the day
Design and make a Roman Shield competition Are you in Year 7? Do you think you could design and make your own realistic Roman shield? Rules It must have a Roman-style design. It can be made out of any material you like. House points awarded for every Roman-style shield created. Prizes available for the top 3 designs. All shields to be brought to Room 19 by Friday 8th December. Any questions – speak to Mr Marriott.
TEXTILES CLUB – Y7/8 Mrs Kirkwood would like to invite students in Y7 and 8 to join us for a ‘crafty’ lunchtime. Friday 2-2:25pm We will have some short projects for Christmas for you to try. Please pop along if you can.
School trip to Lincoln to see See Miss Herd for a letter this year’s panto… Friday 8th December See Miss Herd for a letter or more details. Only 30 places available
Banovallum LGBT LGBT meeting dates for this term are: Tuesday 28th November Tuesday 12th December Meetings are held in Mrs Hunter’s classroom (R20) and begin at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to attend whether you identify as part of the LGBT community, would like to support members of the community in our school or would just like to find out more!
Ever wanted to learn the guitar or ukulele? Come and learn with other like-minded people. Bano Ukulele Group on Thursday 3.45-4.30 in the Music room. No prior knowledge of the ukulele required. Beginners Guitar Club starts on Tuesday 3.45-4.30 in the Music room. No prior knowledge of the guitar required.
Do you enjoy singing? Want to learn more about swing music? A mixture of popular songs, music theatre songs and choral classics. Want to learn more about swing music? Come along and sing in the music room at 2- 2.30pm every Monday lunchtime. All year groups welcome. Bring along your instrument along to Jazz Band on Friday lunchtimes, 2-2.30pm in the music room.
What is happening in Music… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lunch time 2-2.30pm Activity Choir BTEC Music Catch up Year 7 music club Jazz Band Practice rooms Year 8 & 9 Year 11 musicians Year 10 musicians Year 7 Closed Afterschool 3.45-4.30pm Beginners guitar club Bano ukulele group If you want to use a practice room on a lunchtime, sign up at the sign up sheet at the entry to music. No more than 4 to a room.
Counselling ‘Drop In’ From Tuesday 3rd October, there will be a counsellor available to meet students for ‘drop in’ sessions in the Meeting Room (in the staff corridor) every Tuesday. Our new counsellor is called Claire and she has opened up the drop in sessions for all year groups. Please pop in to see her if there is anything you wish to discuss. Thank you Student Support
Science Club Science Club is held on Thursday lunchtimes in Lab 1, from 1:50 pm. This term’s theme is Forensic Science! This is open to all ages. If students would like to take part they need to let Mrs Holmes know, so that she can approve parent notes for you to skip the lunch queue.
Year 10 – A Level-style Law classes… For those who have signed up: Fridays in Room 19, 13:50-14:30.
EXCELLENCE: ENDEAVOUR : CREATIVITY : COLLABORATION Y9 +10 The Duke of Edinburgh Award Open Door Sessions: on Thursday from 1.40pm in LAB 3 For help filling in forms, scanning in information, getting sections approved, completing your eDofE documents… …just come along and ASK… it is YOUR responsibility!
Science revision guides and practise past papers Will be available to order via ParentPay from Monday! Please place an order before the 30th November 2017. Resource Normal Price Discounted Price Revision guided workbooks – Foundation £9.99 £4.19 Revision guided workbooks – Higher REVISE Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Practise Past Papers Plus – Foundation Highly recommended £5.99 £2.49 REVISE Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Practise Past Papers Plus – Higher
Year 11 GCSE HISTORY Revision Every Friday, 3:35-4:30 in Room 19. Intervention sessions – Wednesday lunchtime Room 16.
EXCELLENCE: ENDEAVOUR : CREATIVITY : COLLABORATION Year 11 - Business Studies Controlled assessment research and revision sessions Every Tuesday lunchtime 13:40 Room 15
Forthcoming career events Year 11 Open Evenings Grimsby Institute and Career 6 Tuesday 14th November 2017 - 5.30pm - 7.30pm Tuesday 6 February 2018 - 5.30pm - 7.30pm Wednesday 25 April 2018 - 5.30pm - 7.30pm