Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King Jesus paid for it Why the sadness?, how come you are still trying to find yourself.


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Presentation transcript:

Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King Jesus paid for it Why the sadness?, how come you are still trying to find yourself where the dead are?, why are you living as if you have never met the Savior? Arent you tired of being in the middle of the living and the dead? Remember that every time you wake up its a miracle, for you were once hopeless. Remember how you were awakened to live when you got finally saved, how come then you are still holding on to death? You were called to be joyful, to be filled with the Lord´s presence. You have been redeemed, give away the chains!. Rejoice, for Emmanuel is no longer a promise to you. its time once again to believe ; you have been trying to build your life on sin foundation, its time now for you to build your life upon Jesus resurrection.

Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King Jesus paid for it You do know that it (you name it) has put a veil upon your joy. And half living is not living. Dont you want to embrace life once again in Jesus?, that sin of yours is stealing the days of your life. Dont you see it? it is causing a shortcut in your soul and spirit, the Lord has told you so several times. No matter how hard you have tried it cant coexist with your spirit; for where death is, no life can be found. Its time for you to surrender; its time for you to embrace Jesus salvation once again. You have to believe that even though you may feel pain when detaching from flesh, you will get the life you have been longing for. Im not talking about a low sin diet you have tried before, but to cut loose the tumor of your soul.

Jesus paid for it Jesus wants to heal that infection that your soul got a lot time ago. The Lord knows that you have been a victim to someone else; he has seen you are powerless; therefore he wants to take away it, if you want to be free indeed. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36 (New International Version) If you want the Lord to take away it for good, lets pray: Dear Lord, you have set me free for good but I have tainted that precious gift you gave me. Please forgive me and grant me the strength to overcome this situation. Please give me your understanding so I may live. Help me to walk in righteousness and detach totally from sin, Continues in next slide Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King < …………… by: Richy Esparza Remember ye not the former things, I will do a new thing, to give to my Chosen people. Thus saith the LORD the Holy One of Israel, O Jacob my servant. Yet now hear Israel, whom I have chosen

Jesus paid for it for your son Jesus Christ paid for it in the cross. I declare that I have been washed with the blood of Christ, and my sin is washed away. Help me Jesus to not hear the voice of the enemy and his fault. For you carried all of my faults in the cross. Thank you Lord for this freedom that only you can give me. In Jesus name, Amen. - You are free indeed for Jesus paid it all Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King < …………… by: Richy Esparza Remember ye not the former things, I will do a new thing, to give to my Chosen people. Thus saith the LORD the Holy One of Israel, O Jacob my servant. Yet now hear Israel, whom I have chosen