Intentional Leadership Tools Leading Organizations Organizational Change Model Leading Others Practical Leadership Skills MBTI: Team Building Leading Self Personal Change Model MBTI: Self Development Executive Coaching
Practical Leadership Skills A model for Flexible Leadership David Knipping Oct. 12, 2017 © 2017 David Knipping
Learning Objectives Assess the skill and will level of your team members. Select the best leadership style for a team member’s readiness. Develop a matrix of team members, tasks, readiness level and leadership behaviors and actions. © 2017 David Knipping
Building Blocks Beliefs and Assumptions About People People want to do a good job People can and want to develop Leadership is a partnership People value involvement and communication
Should a manager treat everyone in the same way? © 2017 David Knipping
Flexible Leadership Flexible leadership is a style in which the leader must vary her emphasis on task and relationship behaviors to match the readiness level of the followers she is leading. © 2017 David Knipping
Flexible leadership focuses on three things: Task or project Team member readiness Resulting leadership style © 2017 David Knipping
Follower Readiness Skill Will Skill is the training, experience, and understanding a person has related to a specific task. Skill is not intelligence; it can be acquired through education, and practice. Will is an individual’s level of desire, commitment, and confidence in relation to a specific task. Will is influenced by one’s level of engagement and prior success. © 2017 David Knipping
Diagnosing Readiness High Skill Low Will Low Skill High Will R3 R2 R4
Flexible Leadership Styles Support Low Task High Relationship Coach High Task High Relationship Delegate Low Task Low Relationship Direct High Task Low Relationship
Leadership Style Behaviors For your assigned leadership style, discuss and record the following on chart paper: Make a list of what you should do and ask to best manage your team-member?
Directing Tell Show Do High Task & Low Relationship (HT/LR) The leader provides specific direction and supervises closely. The leader tells the follower what the task is, what to do, and how to do it. The leader shows the follower examples and/or how to do the task and allows the follower to do the task, providing specific feedback on the performance. The leader makes rules clearly understood and maintains tight controls when needed. Style 1 fits Readiness level 1 (R1)
Guiding Explain Discuss Mutually Plan High Task & High Relationship (HT/HR) The leader provides direction and supervision while encouraging the other person’s involvement. The leader provides coaching and takes the time to answer questions and explain decisions. Style 2 fits Readiness Level 2 (R2)
Supporting Probe Listen Encourage Low Task & High Relationship (LT/HR) The leader probes and listens to determine the nature of the followers concerns and issues. Then, the leader helps to remove any obstacles to the followers motivation and encourages where appropriate. Style 3 fits Readiness Level 3 (R3)
Acknowledge Contribution Delegating Clarify Expectations Acknowledge Contribution Agree on Follow-up Low Task & Low Relationship (LT/LR) The leader gives the follower the freedom and responsibility to do the task, clarifying expectations for the end result. The leader acknowledges the followers expertise and accomplishments, and takes appropriate risks in letting the follower make decisions. The follower and leader agree on how and when follow-up will occur. Style 4 fits Readiness Level 4 (R4)
Flexible Leadership Pop Quiz What is the readiness level? Read through the following scenarios and decide: What is the readiness level? What leadership style should be used? Select your answer
Leadership Actions/Behaviors Diagnosing and Flexing In the table, write the names of two team members, an individual task or goal, his or her development level and the leadership actions and behaviors you will take with this person. Team Member Specific Task or Goal Development Level Leadership Actions/Behaviors