The way water changes form and is recycled Water cycle The way water changes form and is recycled
An area of land that drains to a body of water watershed An area of land that drains to a body of water
pollution A material or chemical that impacts a natural area, possibly creating a hazard, and can be found in air and water, for example
A supply of materials used to make something resource A supply of materials used to make something
evaporation The process of water turning to a vapor due to the addition of sunlight/heat
The process of water molecules sticking together to form a larger collection of water, i.e. clouds, fog, etc. condensation
precipitation The process of water falling from the sky by the force of gravity and can be in many different forms, i.e. snow, rain, hail, sleet
The process of water collecting together and, with the help of gravity, moving across the land to a body of water accumulation
A loss of water when unintended, could be slow or fast, either way it adds up! leak
A combination of nutrients that, when added to the soil, are made available to the plants; can be lost when overwatered or overfertilized; also causes algae to grow in creeks fertilizer
conservation Using only what you need for its intended purpose, stopping waste and pollution