Guilford County Schools Coordinators Tom Daugherty – Social Studies Coordinator Becki Haislip – Healthful Living Coordinator Liliana Jordanov – World Languages Coordinator Nathan Street – Arts Education Coordinator PIN 351098 Liliana Where are you on the ASW Continuum? What is your role in your district How many years has your district been involved with ASW
Past…Lessons Learned…Present Tom
Prepping Teachers from 2012 Forward Professional development opportunities throughout the school year Regionally Subject specific August conference – where over 1,000 teachers were trained in ASW process Participation in NC DPI Pilots Redundancy of information Nathan
Keeping District Administration Apprised of Information Not only district administrators but also: Principals Curriculum facilitators Other subject leads Counselors Strategic scheduling Liliana
Communication Weekly emails, updates announcements Sharing of resources Being as transparent as possible Common communication from all coordinators Modeling in professional development Providing specialized professional development Rolling with the punches Becki or Tom
Documentation Documentation of who should be completing ASW Who is out on leave Who will be retiring New hires Teacher transfers Nathan
Communication and Identification How does one determine which AP/IB teachers are included in ASW and who will be the lead on communicating with them? ASW is just a computer program… It is imperative that teachers’ schedules in PowerSchool are reviewed The day-to-day schedule may differ from its presentation in PowerSchool Yearly vs Semesterly Plan Tom
Example 1 Becki or Tom
Example 2 Becki or Tom
Example 3 Becki or Tom
Nothing is Perfect Difficult implementation throughout Recognize this was not a perfect process Benefits outweigh the drawbacks Learn to roll with the punches Nathan
Sources of Consternation Nathan Retrieved from:
Objectives Importance of understanding the verbs in each objective The resources that DPI provided were very helpful It was a perfect opportunity for teachers to explore their standards Some objectives are not compatible with the ASW process Becki
Accountability and Being Informed Attending professional development is crucial Hold non-compliant teachers accountable Keep Human Resources Department in the loop Liliana
Analysis Requested raw data from Human Resources Analyzed the data by subject and identified trends Shared data with subject area teachers Provided additional training and professional development for new hires and returning teachers needing additional assistance Nathan
Narrative Many teachers did not utilize this section to its full capacity Emphasize the narrative as the teachers’ way to DEFEND their artifact to the reviewer. Becki or Tom
Understanding the verb Objectives = Evidence Understanding the verb Does the collected evidence match the objective chosen? Liliana will talk about WL standards
Becki or Tom
Keep in Mind Know all key personnel Especially in a small district Collaboration within building and across the district Not just subject specific New teachers should rely on teachers experienced in the process for help and direction Becki or Tom
Did All The Effort Pay Off? Liliana
GCS vs NC State GCS Difference Did Not Meet Expected Growth 38.5% 27% State GCS Difference Did Not Meet Expected Growth 38.5% 27% -11.5% Meets Expected Growth 58.5% 68% +9.5% Exceeds Expected Growth 3% 5% +2% Overall Meets or Exceeds 61.5% 73% +11.5% Nathan
For all DPI ASW materials go to: Contact Information Tom Daugherty – Social Studies Coordinator Becki Haislip – Healthful Living Coordinator Liliana Jordanov – World Languages Coordinator Nathan Street – Arts Education Coordinator Nathan For all DPI ASW materials go to:
Guiding Your District Through the ASW Process Nathan