ABSTRACT Non technical losses (NTL) during transmission of electrical energy are main problem in developing countries. Electricity Theft forms a main chunk of non technical losses (NTL). These losses affect the quality of supply, increase load on the generating station, and affect tariff forced on actual consumers. This paper shows some common methods used by consumers for electricity theft and also proposes an architectural distribution system for theft detection using GSM based smart energy meter in embedded system. The Inspiration of this work is to detect illegal consumers, successfully utilize the energy. As well as smart meters are proposed to provide automatic readings/data of dissimilar parameters related to instantaneous power consumption via GSM. It will reduce the laborious task and financial expenditure by adopting the automatic meter reading instead of the manual meter reading process and bill data entry process.
Pre-select suspected consumers for inspection. EXISTING METHOD Pre-select suspected consumers for inspection. The difference indicates the theft location with respect to the location of legitimate consumer. On the other hand, Bandim et al. Central Observer Meter (COM) to monitor the consumer’s meters and in this technique, the value of energy read by the observer meter and the consumer’s meter was compared in order to identify the fraud and the perpetrator.
ADVANTAGE OF PROPOSED METHOD In this project gains the fully automated setup with the help of GSM technologies. It reduces the wastage of Current and helps to identify the theft easily. This proposal consumes less time and reduces the manual error. High accuracy in this intelligent set up leads to overcome the power loss. ADVANTAGE OF PROPOSED METHOD It gives the automatic process It will decrease wastage of power It will protect the Electrical materials from Low Voltage
HARDWARE REQUIREMENT Microcontroller LCD Display GSM Modem RS232 Crystal Oscillator Current Sensor Buzzer SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT Embedded C
BLOCK DIAGRAM Power supply Micro controller CT Coil ADC LCD Display Flash program memory Relay Load Energy meter UART GSM modem Crystal Oscillator
CONCLUSION Electrical environment will have lots of disturbance in nature, Due to natural disasters like storms, cyclones or heavy rains transmission and distribution lines may lead to damage. The electrical wire may cut and fall on ground, this leads to very harmful for human beings and may become fatal. So, a rigid, reliable and robust communications like GSM technology instead of many communication techniques used earlier. This enhances speed of communication with distance independency. This technology saves human life from this electrical danger by providing the fault detection and automatically stops the electricity to the damaged line and also conveys the message to the electricity board to clear the fault. An Embedded based hardware design is developed and must acquire data from electrical sensing system.
FUTURE WORK * Our project in the future can be extended by designing in a high technology level for real time application. The large amount of Power loss and theft will easily controlled with high accuracy. * The technology is still evolving in terms of sophistication as well.This type of system will reduce the Power loss and Theft. * This can perform a large varieties of task and some system have artificial intelligence built into them.
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