Automated Collimation Operation LHC-MAC 2007 06 15 M.Jonker On behalf of the collimation project (as the controls coordinator) Invite Bernd Roberto Stefano Hermann
Collimation Controls Collimation Controls Steering team (Cocost) Stefano Redaelli (high level control applications) Maciej Sobczak (css, middle level) Roberto Losito (low level control) Alessandro Masi (low level control) Ralph Assmann (project leader) Michel Jonker (controls coordinator) Invited Philippe Gayet (plc’s) Rudiger Schmidt (machine protection) Bernd Dehning (beam loss monitors)
Outline 94 (up to 160 in final upgrade) collimators, to protect against machine damage and magnet quenches. The collimation process is a multi-staged process that require precise (0.1 beam) setting of the jaws with respect to the beam envelope. Goal for positioning accuracy is 20 m (0.1 beam at 7 TeV). Actual beam envelope (position and size) may change (from fill to fill ?, by how much?)
Collimation Optimisation Adapt to changing beam parameters to guarantee machine protection and to keep good cleaning efficiency There are 376 degrees of freedom (4 motors per collimator) (188 if not considering the angle of the jaws) 30 seconds per degree of freedom (a very efficient operator) still requires about 3 hours. We need automated tools and procedures Add sketch Side view at one end Motor Temperature sensors Gap opening (LVDT) Gap position (LVDT) Resolver Reference Microphone Vacuum tank + switches for IN, OUT, ANTI-COLLISION CFC Sliding table Movement for spare surface mechanism (1 motor, 2 switches, 1 LVDT)
Setup Procedures Beam probing Fast beam based setup Determine beam positions and size at every collimator by touching the beam. Required for initial setup of a machine optics (injection and top energies ), or after substantial changes in beam parameters. Setup at with a low intensity beam 5 nominal LHC bunches (equivalent to the Tevatron Beam in stored energy). Extrapolation from 5 to 3000 bunches…(bunch train effects?) Fast beam based setup Position collimators based on loss patterns, not on measured beam positions and sizes Further systematic optimisation with nominal intensity beam Response matrix corrections Correct collimator positions guided by loss patterns. Initial setup, changes in the machine optics: Determine beam positions and size at every collimator. (Beam probing) Assume accelerator is reproducible at injection (orbit, beta beat, etc.) Collimator positions can be further optimised systematically at the injection energy with a loss pattern optimisation (fast beam based set-up, or response matrix based corrections) Understanding of the machine, reproducible energy ramp & squeeze: Translate observed changes at injection to changes at higher energy. Re-establishing absolute collimator positions at top energy can be avoided for each new fill. Complement with loss pattern optimisation.
Response matrix corrections Fine tune and optimise the cleaning efficiency (at injection or top energy). Collimator response matrices to translate a given beam loss pattern into an adjustment of multiple collimator positions: PC = Mblc BL Theoretical matrices have been calculated based on Fluka and Struct programs. Ambitious procedure, commissioning of this process will require many machine studies. Not for the beginning Not discussed here BLM loss pattern Teoretical matrices have been calculated with Fluka and Struct Collimator Settings
Beam Probing Establishes the beam positions, angle and size by probing the actual beam. A traditional method: Starts with producing a well-defined cut-off in the beam distribution. Each collimator jaw is moved until the beam edge is touched. This step defines an absolute reference position for each jaw. (and angle if two motors are moved independently) Beam Loss Monitor Beam Loss Monitor From back to the front, first the tungsten jaws are moved in, then the secondary and finally the primary Operationally more robust, to protect the cold aperture in the arcs Other techniques to repopulate the beam by blow up Note: Best done from the last element in the cleaning insertion to the first Collimators may stay in place Machine is better protected against quenches Disadvantages: Only possible with low intensity beam (i.e. 5 bunches). Slow if done manually (188 positions ) Delicate (e.g. moving a collimator too far changes the cut-off in the beam distribution).
Beam Probing in SPS MD by Chiara Bracca Beam probing was tested in the collimation MD at the SPS in 2006 with the collimation control system. The jaws were driven in by the control application either manually or in repetitive steps. The control application simultaneously displays jaw position and Beam Loss Data In the MD, to speed up we used successively smaller steps, and while doing so we scraped the beam away bit by bit.
Fast beam based setup Fast if implemented as an automated procedure: Complements the traditional set-up method. Adjust positions to reproduce known beam loss pattern. Based on experience of other accelerators: Collimation efficiency is more closely related to beam loss patterns than to absolute collimator positions, which are sensitive to orbit deviations, beta beat, etc. Move jaws in hierarchical order into the beam halo up to the point where a specified beam loss level is recorded in the adjacent beam loss monitors. Beam Loss Monitor Beam Loss Monitor While we optimise one beam in IR3, we can optimise the other beam in IR7 Fast if implemented as an automated procedure: Start at a fixed offset relative to a previously known position (only have to move short distances, no need to be retracted. Two beam can be tuned in parallel in the two cleaning insertions IR3 and IR7
Fast beam based setup Procedure in practice: Timing implications: The collimators are set at 1.5 σ retracted with respect to the last optimised value. The jaws are optimised one by one in a precise order. Optimization by moving in steps of 0.05 σ until the associated set of Beam Loss Monitors (BLM) detects a predefined value of beam loss. The BLM reference levels are found empirically and may be updated from fill to fill. Timing implications: Starting position –1.5 σ, step size of 0.05 σ (50 μm @ 450 GeV) ⇒ 30 steps/motor ⇒ 9600 steps in total (only position, no angles, final upgrade). Available time 5 min. two rings in parallel ⇒ 60 ms per step (16 Hz) @ 2mm/s 50 μm ⇒ 25 ms per step needed for motor movement => 35 ms for driving, data collection, reading BLM, deciding
Controls Architecture LHC tunnel Underground, low radiation area Surface support building Control room Control room software: Management of (critical) settings (LSA) Preparation for ramp Assistance in collimator tuning Post Mortem data collection and Analysis Based on standard LSA components Dedicated graphical interface for collimator control and tuning Collimator Supervisor System (CSS): Support building, VME / FESA Fesa Gateway to Control Room Software Synchronization of movements Beam Based Alignment primitives Takes action on position errors (FB) Receives timing, send sync signals over fiber to low level (Ramp & Beam Based Alignment) Synchronization and communication with BLM Low level control systems 3 distinct systems Motor drive (PXI) Position readout and survey (PXI) Environment Survey (PLC) Central Collimation Application Ethernet Controls Network Data Base Actual Machine Parameters Critical Settings Machine Timing Machine Timing Distribution BLM system Local Ethernet Segment Collimator Supervisory System (one or two per LHC point) Synchronisation Fan out How can we implement this automated optimisation Motor Drive Control PXI Position Readout and Survey Environment Survey PLC Beam Permit . . .
Fast Optimisation Primitives Collimator Supervisory System (CSS) Send a trigger to adjacent BLM system on every motor movement BLM system sends a short “transient” data to the CSS Optimization primitive command (on CSS) Move until BLM-level Parameters Motors and step size BLM signals and limits Repetition frequency Maximum steps Example: Move Jaw-left in steps of 10 um every 30 ms until BL signal reaches 103 This optimization primitive can be used by a central application for Beam Probing Fast beam based optimization Collimator Supervisory System (one or two per LHC point) BLM system Synchronisation Fan out Local Ethernet Segment Motor Drive Control PXI Position Readout and Survey Change colors green on blue Beam Loss Monitor
Fast Optimisation Primitives During optimization, positions are continuously measured, If the position gets out of tolerance, the procedure will be interrupted. Collimator Supervisory System (one or two per LHC point) BLM system Synchronisation Fan out Local Ethernet Segment Motor Drive Control PXI Position Readout and Survey 15 µm Change colors green on blue ~ 25 µm mechanical play R. Losito et al
BLM Transient in SPS MD Adjacent BLM triggered by collimator movements. Collected data: Transient Data Buffer (2.5 ms sampling 80 ms for BLM based FB). Post mortem data (40 us sampling over 1.7 seconds) (For analysis) Data needs carefull interpretation. LHC acquisition chain tested, including link with collimators (trigger and data transmission). Plots from Daniel Kramer Motor movement 10 ms (20 m) Motor movement 10ms (20m)
Conclusion Fast collimator optimisation is technically possible. The controls architecture contains the necessary elements to deal with these requirement (synchronisation lines, BLM data acquisition and connection) The principles have been tested during an SPS MD in 2006 Fully automated steering application and procedures to be developed and tested (2008) However, the real challenge… beam dynamics… SPS md: BLM responds to collimator movement over time scales of 100th of ms
Conclusion Motor movement 10ms (20m) During the SPS MD, not able to make clean cut in the beam distribution Re-populatution of tails over 100th of ms. Motor movement 50ms (25m) Long tails after collimator movement, Large noise components (70 Hz) 50, 150, 300, 450 & 600 Hz noise Plot from maciej for timing response Plot with LVDT reading (stop movement when becoming unsafe) Message: control system which is powerfull we can remove reliable We get fast BLM signal Tools are available in the control system, Limits are in the understanding of the beam dynamics Top level manula beam movement for beam probing Testing and implementation Need good understanding of beam dynamics SPS MD in 2007 to investigate the origins of these problems If these effect are also present in the LHC, optimisation will me more challenging. Loss tails with echo 12 sec