Completed all three conditions n= 25 Invited Exeter Ten Thousand Participants n=90 Open email advertisement to U of E Staff Telephone screened n=43 Telephone screen failures 2 – On regular medication 1 – Smoker 9 - Unable to commit necessary time 2 – not contactable on details provided 2 – declined Attended preliminary visit n=27 Withdrawal following preliminary visit 1 – Unable to commit necessary time Randomised to 6 trial orders n=26 SIT-ONLY n=13 SIT-STAND n= 5 SIT-WALK n=8 Drop out n=1 SIT-STAND n = 5 SIT-WALK n = 8 SIT-ONLY n = 3 SIT-WALK n = 2 SIT –ONLY n = 5 SIT-STAND n = 3 SIT-WALK n = 8 SIT-STAND n = 5 SIT-WALK n = 2 SIT-ONLY n = 3 SIT-STAND n = 3 SIT-ONLY n = 5 Completed all three conditions n= 25 Included in analysis n= 25