The most exciting stuff I did thìs summer My summer The most exciting stuff I did thìs summer
Smell òf canada day Canada day smelt like smoke from the fireworks being shot and all the food and drinks at the canada day partys. The smell of smoke from all the teens around me and the smell of the wet grass for the fireworks and the smell of everyone as the walk away from the park after the fireworks. The smell of sweat from everyone after the partys and the fireworks, as we all walk away from the park I can still smell the smoke of the fire works and the drugs as I walk home with my cousin and sister. As we walk down we smell the beer that people drank and the smoke.
The sound of my cousins wedding The sound of everyone cheering as the reception begins and the sound of music be blasted around the room as everyone chats to one another, as I walk to my table I hear the laughter and the little conversation of each person all talking phillipino as I sit we all start talking about the music and the looks of the reception. As one by one people start there speech I sit there and listen as everyone cheers and laughs amung one another as the speechs end everyone starts to talk and eat as I sit there talking to all my cousins one by one. And as the recpetion goes people leave one by one as the sound of talking gets quieter the music gets louder. And at the end the music stops and the only thing u can hear is the sound of everyone talking to each other
The sight of the bike rides with my friends I see the tress that we bike by and the hills we bike up as we all sweat down to are shirts, as we bike we see the paths we can take and we all go down the same path one by one. As we bike down the path we get to the street where we slowly bike down to wendys and tim hortans near Wall-Mart. As we get to wendys we all get a drink from are waters and soda’s, as we all finish we start the bike ride to Wall-Mart as we bike by cars and people we park are bikes infront of Wall-Mart and we walk inside and explore, as we leave we get back on are bikes to bike all they way back to my house to hang around there as the day ends after a wonderfull adventure
The taste of food at my friends b-days The taste of the food and the cake was great. We had pizza and and lots of soda we eat lots of chips and we drink way to much soda. As we plaay card games and more we drink are coca-cola in are cups as we laugh and cheer, as we finiish are game we watch a movie and eat more junk food and drink more pop and we stay up all night eating junk food and drinking sodas that arent good for.
The feeling of swimming with my friends When we go swiming we jump into my friends pool splashing and swimming around the water on my skin feels cold at first but as I get used to it gets warmer and warmer as I stay in there longer but after a while we all get out of his pool to get into his hot tub. As we exit the pool to get to the hot tub we all sudenly get cold and start shiver but as we get into his hot tub we begin to become warm then hot as we sit here waiting till we feel about right to go back into the cold deep swimming pool.