Specificity of EAS FISH FISH EAS FISH DK(LCL) DK(LCL) EBER1 is an RNA species encoded by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Various cell lines were probed with an antisense probe for EBER1 (filled histograms) or with a nonsense probe for EBER1 (open histograms). The probes were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or by FISH with enzymatic amplification of the signal (EAS FISH). DK(LCL) and JY(LCL are EBV cells. BJAB is a B cell line that is not transformed by EBV and that thereby does not express any EBV mRNA. PBMC are peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a healthy volunteer. The results demonstrate that EAS FISH demonstrates significantly greater signal for EBER1 than FISH does and that the signal seen with EAS FISH is found only in cells that are transformed by EBV. JY(LCL) JY(LCL) EAS FISH EAS FISH PBMC BJAB Log Fluorescence Intensity