Bitmap vs. Vector
Bitmap Images Bitmap Images are also know as Raster Images Image consists of a matrix of individual dots (or pixels) All pixels have their own color
Bitmap Images As you get closer images becomes more pixilated Resolution and image size determines file size for bitmap images.
Bitmap Images Resolution describes the number of Pixels Per Inch (PPI) and is measured width x height Computer Screens usually display around 72 PPI Professional prints are usually done at 300 PPI
Bitmap Images Some Common Bitmap File types BMP Bitmap (Windows format that is simple and uncompressed…usually larger format) GIF (Generally used for animation because it only supports 256 colors) JPG (Compression file that loses quality with each save)
Vector Images Advantages Images that are completely described using mathematical definitions Generally smaller size files
Vector Images Individual line is made up of either a vast collection of points with lines interconnecting all of them or just a few control points that are connected using Bezier Curves
Vector Images Advantages Preferred in logo creation because they are easily editable from design to color to effects Easily converted to Bitmap files
Vector Images Disadvantages Cannot be imported from outside source More difficult to get lifelike designs
Vector Images Some Common File Types EPS Encapsulated PostScript PDF Portable Document Format AI Adobe Illustrator DXF AutoCAD CDR Correl Draw