Popular Songs of the 1920s and 1930s 1. “Sitting on Top of the World” Mississippi Sheiks 2. “Ain’t We Got Fun?” Benson Orchestra of Chicago 3. “On the Sunny Side of the Street” Dorthy Fields 4. “My Suppressed Desires” Bing Crosby 5. “Happy Days are Here Again” Ipana Troubadors; Bing Crosby 6. “Singin in the Rain” Cliff Edwards
Popular Songs of the 1920s and 1930s 1. “Brother Can you Spare a Dime” Bing Crosby 2. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Judy Garland 3. "Bye Bye Blues" W.M. Bert Lown 4. "The Little Things in Life" Irving Berlin 5. "Time on My Hands" w. Harold Adamson & Mack Gordon 6. "The Lonesome Road" by Paul Robeson 7. "A Perfect Day" by Paul Robeson
Review – How did the prime minister deal with the depression? Mackenzie King (pg.81) RB. Bennett (pg.82)
Review – How did the prime minister deal with the depression? Mackenzie King (pg.81) RB. Bennett (pg.82) The situation was temporary and would fix itself Didn’t believe it was the responsibility of the federal government Wouldn’t give a 5 cent piece Believed poverty could be a good thing for people to experience Gave money for work creation Created work camps Would use tariffs to ‘protect’ Canadian economy Designed a version of the New Deal
The three main parties that emerged from the great depression were Social Credit: Bible Bill Erhardt, give everyone $25/month dollars to spend and that would get the economy going CCF: JS Woodsworth -socialist party -public ownership of key industries -social programs to assist people in need of money (elderly, unemployed, homeless, sick) -gov’t should spend money on public works to create employment -became the NDP Parti Nationale: Maurice Duplessis -nationalistic French-Canadian party -relied on Catholic Church for support-blamed many of Quebec’s problems on the English minority in Quebec and communists Padlock law: 1937-57, Bans communism, padlocks any house/shop used to print communist material or used for communist meetings.
Comic Strip Project Use the Fundamental Causes of the Great Depression worksheet to complete your comic strip There must at least 5 boxes. You can use the template that I’ve provided OR you may use the internet (eg.Comic Life) http://plasq.com/apps/comiclife/macwin/
Comic Strip Project Use the fundamental causes of the great depression worksheet to complete your comic strip There must at least 5 boxes Each box must include A beautiful, colourful picture (2) A speech/thought bubble (2) An information square DEFINING what the cause is (3) An information square explaining the SIGNIFICANCE of the cause and how it contributed to the depression. (3) Each square is worth 10 marks. Total /50