The JWST Director’s Discretionary Early Release Science Program (DD ERS) The DD ERS Call for Proposals is now available at Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office AAS JWST Town Hall Meeting 2017 Jan 5
Outline 1. DD ERS Motivation and Goals 2. Proposal Evaluation Criteria 3. Programmatic Differences from Standard GO Programs Short timescale delivery of science-enabling products Proposer types: co-Is vs. science collaborators Funding Reviews and Community Briefings 4. Summary of Key Dates Notice of Intent to Propose (required - due Mar 3)
DD ERS Motivation and Goals Science Timeline Realities 04-2019 Cy1 science obs begin 04-2020 Cy2 science obs begin
DD ERS Motivation and Goals Science Timeline Realities 04-2019 Cy1 science obs begin 07-2019 GTO Cy2 deadline 09-2019 GO Cy2 CP released 12 (early)-2019 GO Cy2 deadline 04-2020 Cy2 science obs begin Availability of non-proprietary data is quite limited at time of Cy2 proposal preparation.
DD ERS Motivation and Goals In 2010, the JWST Advisory Committee first recommended the concept for the Early Release Science program: “ obtain images and spectra… to demonstrate key modes… to enable the community to understand the performance of JWST prior to the submission of the first post-launch Cy 2 proposals that will be submitted just months after the end of commissioning.” “The JSTAC recommends that… data be released both in raw form and with any initial calibrations as soon as possible; the key aspect is speed.”
DD ERS Motivation and Goals Ensure open access to representative datasets in support of Cy 2 proposal preparation. Engage broad cross-section of astronomical community in familiarizing themselves with JWST data and scientific capabilities. STScI Director Ken Sembach will allocate up to 500 hrs of DD time, and resources for up to 15 teams. A multi-disciplinary committee of experts will recommend a suite of proposals that fulfills the goals of the DD ERS; makes optimal use of the available time; and spans JWST’s science themes.
DD ERS Motivation and Goals The DD ERS program is guided by the following five principles: Projects must be substantive science demonstration programs that utilize key instrument modes to provide representative scientific datasets of broad interest to researchers in major astrophysical sub-disciplines. Projects must design, create, and deliver science-enabling products to help the community understand JWST's capabilities. Initial products must be delivered by release of Cy 2 GO CfP (Sep 2019). Each project must define a core team to be responsible for timely delivery of products according to a proposed project management plan, with performance subject to periodic review.
DD ERS Motivation and Goals The DD ERS program is guided by the following five principles: Early execution All observations schedulable within first 5 months of Cy 1 (expected Apr-Aug 2019), AND a substantive subset of observations schedulable within first 3 months. Target lists must be flexible to accommodate possible changes to scheduled start of science observations. Data will have no proprietary time Both raw and pipeline-processed data will enter public domain immediately after processing and validation at STScI
DD ERS Motivation and Goals The DD ERS program is guided by the following five principles: STScI recognizes and supports the benefits of having diverse and inclusive scientific teams involved in the formulation of ERS proposals. Programs with diverse representation of community members in a given sub-discipline helps ensure that the investigations will be of broad interest. Broad involvement facilitates the dissemination of JWST expertise through a more extensive network, and promotes more equitable participation in JWST scientific discovery.
DD ERS Evaluation Criteria Assess potential of proposal to achieve goals of DD ERS. Extent to which project will improve community understanding of JWST science capabilities and guide subsequent JWST observations. Effectiveness in providing deliverables which include quantitative, data-related measurements that will support development of Cy 2 proposals. Extent to which science-enabling products will be developed to enrich overall scientific return of mission. Credibility of management plan for achieving project goals in a timely manner, particularly development and delivery of science-enabling products for community. Overall scientific merit; significance to major astrophysical sub-disciplines, and astronomy in general.
DD ERS: Differences from Standard GO Programs Short timescale delivery of science-enabling products. Science enabling products include, but are not limited to: higher-level data products (improved beyond standard products from STScI pipeline), software tools, documentation and other resources that demonstrate JWST's scientific capabilities or facilitate community science. Deliverables must include quantitative, data-related measurements to support Cy 2 proposal preparation, provided by the release of the Cy 2 CfP (Sept 2019). Science results by themselves are not science-enabling products. Proposers should take a broad, but realistic, view in determining level and types of products to be developed given relatively short timescales.
DD ERS: Differences from Standard GO Programs DD ERS Core Teams and Science Collaborators PI, any Co-PIs, and Co-Is comprise the core team, with responsibility to develop and deliver science-enabling products, and carry out selected key aspects of the science investigations. Science Collaborators contribute to formulation of proposed observations and articulation of full range of science applications May participate in core team activities, but no formal obligations to contribute to product development/delivery not funded through DD ERS but may propose for funding through Cy 1 Archival Research program
DD ERS: Differences from Standard GO Programs Funding provided for primary purpose of development, production, and delivery of science-enabling products. Required: deliverables that include quantitative, data-related measurements by Cy 2 GO CfP release (Sep 2019) Optional: products within 1 year of ERS obs delivered Cy 3 CfP release (Sep 2020). Funding provided for selected science enabled by DD ERS obs. All eligible researchers, including science collaborators and investigators on accepted DD ERS proposals, may propose for funding through Cy 1 Archival Research program to pursue studies beyond science funded by DD ERS. $5M anticipated; funding expected to begin Oct 2018 to allow teams to organize processing and analysis pipelines in preparation for receipt of data in Apr 2019.
DD ERS: Differences from Standard GO Programs Reviews and Community Briefings Continued funding contingent on satisfactory progress at each stage. APT Technical Review: Provide basic documentation on rationale underlying observing strategies. Released with final APT files in Dec 2017. Enables DD ERS programs to serve as templates for Cy 1 GO proposal planning. Readiness review: Before science observations, report on progress on preparatory activities; readiness to process and analyze JWST data. Examples: analyses of simulated dat asets to test post-pipeline data processing plans; customization and/or development of data analysis and/or software tools. Supports Jan 2019 briefing. Results review: Report successes and challenges encountered during analysis of early data. Status of initial products to be delivered by release of Cy 2 GO CP (Sept 2019). Supports Sep 2019 briefing.
In addition to immediate release of data, DD-ERS activities provide focal point for organization of GO user support, and dissemination of information on JWST performance and results. Accelerate dissemination of JWST know-how within 5-yr required, 10-yr anticpated lifetime.
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DD ERS: Key Dates Jan 6, 2017: Release of DD ERS Call for Proposals VERSION 1 Establishes DD ERS goals, requirements, and policies intended to enable researchers to gauge whether they have sufficient interest to submit NoI to propose. May 19, 2017: Release of DD ERS Call for Proposals FINAL VERSION all details on proposal and budget submission process, with supporting documentation: instructions for Astronomer's Proposal Tool (APT) to specify observations special considerations for successful early execution of observations, overview of STScI pipeline data products, processing and analysis software, and anticipated availability to inform development of science-enabling products
DD ERS: Key Dates Mar 3, 2017: Notice of Intent Deadline Enables STScI to identify community members for review (appropriate expertise, w/o conflict). NoI submission is required step. Material will be kept confidential: proposal title, name(s), email address(es), and affiliation(s) of PI and up to two Co-PIs, as many Co-Is as known at time of NOI submission, as many Science Collaborators as known at time of NOI submission, overview of anticipated proposal (<300 words): proposed types of JWST observations and science goals, how proposed project supports DD ERS goals and principles
DD ERS: Key Dates Aug 18, 2017: Proposal Deadline Observing plan specified in APT templates and proposal narrative (11 pages for items 1-4) Rationale for selection as a DD ERS program Science Justification Description of the Observations Data Processing, Analysis, and Products Delivery Plan Project Management Plan Preliminary Budget
JWST DD ERS Call for Proposals now available at GTO CP release Jan06 GO Cy 1 CP Nov30 GO Cy1 props due Mar02 GTO Cy1 obs release by Jun15 commissioning (6 mo) GTO props due Apr01 Cy 1 Obs begin Apr GO Cy1 TAC May 2017 2018 2019 DD-ERS TAC Oct DD-ERS props due Aug18 launch 2018Oct DD-ERS initial CP release Jan06 DD-ERS final CP release May19 JWST DD ERS Call for Proposals now available at DD-ERS Notices of Intent due Mar03
(slide from G. Illingworth) Work on program framework details and implementation began in earnest in 2014 with refined articulation of recommended goals. (slide from G. Illingworth)
Caltech/Keck, ESAC Madrid, Exoplanet & Disks Workshop STScI, We’ve presented the framework while in formulation, and have received a broad range of community feedback. We’ve presented the framework while in formulation, and have received a broad range of community feedback. JSTAC: 2014Dec, 2015May, 2015Dec, 2016May SWG: 2015Oct, 2016 Oct AAS: 2015Jan, 2016Jan ESTEC Noordwijk:2015Oct UCSB Kavli: 2016Jun 2016Sep/Oct Caltech/Keck, ESAC Madrid, Exoplanet & Disks Workshop STScI, JWST Community Webinar Series, JWST Montreal At meetings…. Resulting in an integrated reach of 300-400 people.
We’ve presented the framework while in formulation, and have received a broad range of community feedback. On STScI JWST Website Meeting Fliers 2015 On-line Survey ~600 responses