Fighting Male Organ Odor by “Draining the Swamp”


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Presentation transcript:

Fighting Male Organ Odor by “Draining the Swamp”

Olfactory stimuli – that’s “odors” and “smells” in regular guy language – are an important part of attracting another person (and in maintaining their interest once attracted). All people, whether they are aware of it or not, have sensitivities, both good and bad, to specific scents. That’s one reason why a strong, pungent male organ odor can be a turn-off to others. (Sometimes it can be so intense that even the man who possesses the smelly member is turned off by it.) Not only can male organ odor indicate a possible manhood health concern, but if a person is especially sensitive it may make coupling unthinkable. Fighting unwanted male organ odor is therefore quite important – and one of the steps to take may include “draining the swamp” – meaning taking care of a heavy sweat issue in the area.manhood health

“Swamp midsection” A slang term for a member with a persistent sweat issue is “swamp midsection,” describing an excessively-moist midsection with a distinct and off-putting aroma. And it’s not a compliment! The manhood and sacks are naturals for developing heavy sweat conditions. Unless a man is a naturist, he typically keeps his equipment hidden away beneath two layers of clothing, which generates more heat. Often, the inner layer is a pair of briefs, the snugness of which creates heat. Add to that the fact that the equipment hangs between two thighs which, when pressed against the male organ and sacks, lead to further heat. Finally, add in the presence of a thick thatch of hair for further insulation, and it’s no wonder that a guy’s member is a veritable furnace. And with all that heat comes sweat and bacteria, which leads to the male organ odor a man wants so desperately to avoid.

Tips So what are some things a man can do to drain his swamp and help fight male organ odor? The following tips can help. Wash. Be sure to shower or bathe regularly; for many men, this means every day. Use a gentle cleanser to fight the bacteria, but not something harsh and chemical-laden, which can damage sensitive manhood skin. And towel dry the area well after washing. Let it all hang out. It helps if a guy can find at least a couple of hours a day to walk around bare. Letting the member take in the air helps odor disperse. Some men accomplish this by sleeping in the buff.

Shave. For many men, shaving off their midsection hair – or even just trimming it down some – helps keep the area cooler and less sweaty. Go loose. The tighter the clothes, the more likely the sweat. Except in cases where it’s important to show off the body, wear looser pants and boxers instead of briefs. Underwear made of “wicking” material can also be helpful. And trousers made of lightweight fabric that breathes can help, especially in the summer. Bring a spare. During the summer, a guy may need to change underwear (and possibly trousers) a couple of times a day. Bringing a spare pair in the backpack is advised.

Watch the diet. Some foods and drinks increase the body’s need to sweat. Everybody has their own triggers in these areas, but some typical ones are alcohol, caffeine, salt and hot spices. Use a reliable manhood health crème. Fighting male organ odor by draining the swamp is easier if a man regularly uses a superior manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure the crème contains vitamin A, as this vitamin has antibacterial properties that are excellent for fighting unwanted male organ odor. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that strengthens member skin by taming excess free radicals; healthier member skin is better able to fight against odor.manhood health crème