a case study in Experience Together Computing Design Team Whoomp! There It Is Miguel Bejar, Kate Dramstad, Marco Morales, Rachel Strubhar-Masick
Family Bulletin Board
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
Identified Problems None were satisfied with their current system Wide range of family needs and situations Centralized organization role in the family 1 2 3
User Actions
Value Spectrum
Children Parents Personas
Goals Design for the stressful little things Encourage decentralized organizer role Make scheduling and organization a family dialogue, not an outlook chore/task 1 2 3
Overview Demo
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
How should we organize messages? Option 1: Folders Treat the board more like a computer desktop, where users could store the messages in specific folders. Option 2: Board Areas On the main board have specific spaces dedicated for new messages and for read and organized messages. Option 3: Filters Be able to easily filter messages on the main board by person or type of message Message Manipulation Organization Arrangement
Message Manipulation Organization Arrangement Image of the open color coordinate menu
Message Manipulation Organization Arrangement
Message Manipulation Organization Arrangement
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
Initial Paper Prototyping Design Changes Search Recycle
Heuristic Evaluation Design Changes Search Recycle HE
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
Inclusive Metaphors Control and Use Name Changes Delete
Control of Messages Who? What? Why? Control and Use Name Changes Delete
Conclusions Case Study: Family Bulletin Board Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouraging Interaction Flows Group Ownership Conclusions Message Manipulation Design Changes Use and Control
Case Study Conclusions from Team Whoomp! Emergent Behavior is hard to test. Good design suggests but does not force good behavior. Design should be able to adapt to existing social structures
Overview Conclusions Project Examples Design Observations Context Project Overview Emergent Behavior Encouragin g Interaction Flows Group Ownership
The Magic PowerPoint or How to make PowerPoint behave like an Interactive Whiteboard.
Before you start: Open PowerPoint Click Tools Click Options Click Security Tag Click Macro Security Select Medium Close and re-open PowerPoint (you wont have to do any of that again)
Write the PowerPoint presentation as normal, or find the PowerPoint you want to add the macro to. Save it. Write your presentation
Open The Magic PowerPoint (Click enable macros if asked) Click Insert Click Slides from Files Click Browse and then on your chosen ppt Tick Keep Source Formatting Click Insert All Click slide sorter view Delete all the Magic PowerPoint slides except this one. Click save as and rename your PowerPoint Instructions:
To make bits move like magic Right-click on the image or text box you want to move around Click Action Settings Click Run Macro (draganddrop should be in the box) Click OK
How it works: You are adding a macro called DropandDrag. It was written by Hans Werner Hofmann and Ute Simon and their names will appear in the properties of this ppt file. The macro is embedded in this presentation which is why you have to put your slides into it and then save it again with a new name. Oh you can delete any last slides now and the macro will stay.
Troubleshooting Check security settings are medium (recommended) or low (not recommended) Make sure you right-click on the top line of a text box if you want it to move – it will go transparent if clicked in right place.