RIT Campus Wireless Project Laura O’Donnell | 10/14/10
The Campus The campus consists of 238 buildings total (5.3 million sq. ft.). RIT’s campus occupies 1,300 acres in suburban Rochester, NY. Approximately 17,000 FT Students. 2700 FTE Employees. Students- Technical & Highly Innovative
The Need for Wireless The average RIT student brings 5 wireless devices to campus in the Fall. The average RIT student brings 2 additional wireless devices to campus after Holiday Break. Old Wireless Infrastructure – 250 Access Points – Many > 6 years old
Project Scope Provide a robust Wireless 802.11n Service in the RIT academic buildings and common areas of the residence halls. Offering 11n data rate connectivity in 5GHz (n only) and 2.4GHz (b\g\n). Build redundancy into the system.
Project Details Start Date – November 2008 Due Dates Implement 802.11n wireless in academic buildings by May 2009. Implement wireless in common areas of residence halls & apartments by Sept 2009. Hardware delivered- February 2009 Project Team- All worked part time on project 7 RIT Staff Members 2 Cisco Engineers
Opportunities Residence Hall Common Areas expanded to all areas within Residence Halls. State of the Art Wireless Technology Partnering with Cisco Technology in Academic Areas Wireless Classes Reviewed design NTID C-Print Application – ADA compliance Access to rooms
Opportunities Residence Halls Communications Concrete Rogue Access Points & Routers Games Non-standardized equipment Communications Are we going to make the deadline? How to communicate to students?
In The End 126 miles of cable were laid. 3400 Access Points (Aps) were installed. 1100 Aps in Residence Halls. 600 Aps in Apartments. 1700 Aps in Academic Buildings. Academic buildings completed by May 2009. Residence Halls & apartments completed by August 15th 2009. Under Budget.