FEATURES/BENEFITS Koha is web-based so that we would be in a much better position to set up our Study Abroad sites with a shared catalog The search function in Koha better mirrors search functionality that users have come to expect from search engines author searches do not have to be last name first, etc. Links to full-text items (ejournals, ebooks) show up on the first page of search results without patrons having to click twice to get to the full-text Users can create accounts to save items to look at later, create tags for items and provide reviews for items Users can set up RSS feeds to be alerted when something new is added to the collection that meets their search criteria Reports and file updating is much more intuitive Features that are lacking in Koha could be developed by LibLime on our behalf Better support through WALDO/LibLime
TIMELINES October 2008 – identified Koha as ILS we wanted to migrate to February 2009 – began talks with WALDO regarding migration/implementation August 2009 – signed contract with WALDO October 2009 – began work with LibLime Project Manager November 2009 – migrated data and did staff training December 2009 – went live and retired Voyager
COST SAVINGS Our Voyager billing ran on a calendar year rather than fiscal year. Voyager had been paid for through Dec. 2009 out of FY 08/09 budget, allowing us to pay for LibLime out of FY 09/10 budget and not pay for 2 ILS’ in one FY First 5 years with LibLime would be comparable with the Voyager costs (implementation charges were spread out over 5 years). After that there will be a cost savings of approx. $7000 per year.