How to make a website in dreamweaver a website Starter : which of the following is a feature of all good websites? A: bright bold colours B: clear navigation C: cool games D: uncluttered layout
Step 1: design how you want pages to look on paper Draw a layout of 1 page. Label where the title, pics, text, logo, navigationbar will go List the different pages you are going to include and where you are going to put them
Step 2: Make folder structure Make a folder with an appropriate name for your whole website Inside make 3 more folders called images (for all pics), htmlfiles (for all the webpages) and library (for other documents you want to link in)
Step 3: set up site Open Adobe Dreamwweaver Go to site, manage sites, new site Give your site a suitable name in site name Click the folder icon after Local root folder and find your main website folder, select Click the folder icon after images folder, find your images folder and select. Click OK
Step 4: making a template Select new , Html, OK Insert table, make it 3x3 980 wide
Designing your template Highlight cells and merge them using Insert images by clicking insert, image, browse. The image should be put in image folder before you insert it. Colour the background by clicking modify, properties, background Format text by clicking format, font/colour/style
Make template editable Click on a cell you will want to be different on different pages Insert, template object, editable region. Repeat for other editable areas
Start making webpages To save, File, save as template To open an actual webpage click new page from template, create Create pages for each page on the nav bar Then return to template to make links
Making links On the template Select the nav bar item to link Click then point to the file it is to link to Repeat with all the links. Save template Modify, templates, update pages, entire site
What’s left Simply fill your pages with the images, text, video, sound and cleverness to get you top grades!!!
A site ready to filled