By: Faith Sheridan Mrs. Hess Science Experiment By: Faith Sheridan Mrs. Hess
State the Problem I have two cats at home, Bagheera and Tinkerbelle, Bagheera likes will eat both but he likes the canned cat food better than the dry cat food, and Tinkerbelle likes both of the types of cat food. I want to see if my cats like the new cat food we bought for them, to save money in buying all three of the cat food types.
Form a Hypothesis If the cats like the new canned cat food in gravy, then we will start buying only the one for the cats.
Test the Hypothesis The materials that are needed are eight cups of cat food, ten cans of cat food, pencil or pen and paper, and of course two (or more) cats. The procedures in step by step form are/is Step One: on the first day, get one bowl and put one cup of normal, dry cat food in it; Step Two: get a second bowl and open a can of the canned cat food and pour it into the bowl; Step Three: record if the cats eat the canned or normal cat food more or purr when they are eating it; Step Four: repeat this step for four more days.
Record Data The data collected during this experiment is that the cats, both of them, liked the new canned cat food in gravy better than the canned cat food and the normal, dry cat food.
Data Analysis My investigation showed that the cats liked the new cat food better than the other cat food products. My hypothesis did hold, the cats did like the new cat food so we will start buying it instead of the other two cat food products. The results did/do also agree with my hypothesis, and if I had given the cats a different amount of cat food then the results would not be the same.
Communicate the Data I am communicating the data by sharing this Power Point with you.