MWA “burst mode”: Nov 2008 Solar 32 T Observations Vasili Lobzin and Iver Cairns, School of Physics, University of Sydney Context Observations & Interpretation Summary Canberra 19/1/2009
I. Context for “Burst Mode” Solar Obs MWA has strong solar, heliospheric, and ionospheric science objectives Burst Mode: 0 – 328 MHz spectra, 256 * 1.28 MHz channels 1 spectrum per 0.78 μs every 1 ms (0.938 ms) “engineering” mode, but great for solar science Highest known cadence, resolution and bandwidth Imaging? 17 and 20 November 2008, close to local noon.
Solar Radio Bursts
II. “Burst Mode” Solar Obs: 20 Nov 2008 mwadas1,2,&4, each 16 pipes,~ 600 files ~ 04:00:30 – 04:02:27 (~0.1 s accuracy) Power spectrum summed over all pipes
“Burst Mode” Solar Obs: 20 Nov 2008 f (MHz) 328 04:00:30.8 Time 04:02:26.8 Vertical, variable signals? Bands of noise? Interference signals? Any natural signals ….?
Spectra: averaging & background subtraction f 328 MHz (Left) Averaging & (top) background subtraction structure in interference Vertical signals not solar type IIIs since: no freq drift & don’t have Δt ↑ as f ↓ AVG Time (2 mins)
MWA “vertical signals”: no analogues at Culgoora interference 18 f 57 328 MHz Time (2 mins) 180 MHz No similar bursts in Culgoora (NSW) data (duration or appearance) noise at MWA
Culgoora lightning (storm near Sydney) 18 75 Freq 57 180 MHz
MWA “vertical signals”: impulsive local interference 65 f “signal energy” 328 MHz Time (2 mins) power spectrum Δf ~ 100 – 300 MHz spikes ~ 10 - 3 ns duration. 50 sweep (0.05s) averages, then subtract background periodicity ≈ 3.6 Hz Intensifies with other interference. Frequency (Hz)
Vertical signals intensify with other interference 65 75 Freq 328 MHz
III. Summary “Burst mode” data should be attractive for solar work (very high cadence, wide bandwidth). Analysis of 2 mins of 20 Nov 32T data show Noise & interference bands, Vertical signals that don’t appear to be natural: No analogues in Learmonth & Culgoora data; 3.6 Hz periodicity in energy; They intensify with other interference; likely impulsive signals ~ 3 -10 ns in duration. Desire to remove interference sources for future burst mode observations.