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Presentation transcript:

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What to expect…. Overview and status of EFAInfo Content and Analysis Plans of activities for 2009 Discussion of applications 20 slides! – 10 minutes? 10th Regional Meeting of National EFA Coordinators 5 May 2009

EFAInfo Overview Developed to support the EFA Mid-Decade Assessment: Pan-Asia & Pacific Reflects in its structure the set of MDA indicators – both core and policy/system indicators (quantitative & qualitative), and/but open for customization Provides opportunity and tool to engage in policy/planning dialogue with an evidence base To be released in 2009 using new DevInfo 6.0 software

Objectives at 2 levels Country-level Provide a tool and template for national customization to compile, monitor, present and analyze relevant education data towards decision-making Regional Develop a regional database as record of the Asia and Pacific EFA MDA integrated with education-related, national and sub-national disaggregated data. Coverage includes: Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia, Pacific

Partner Engagement Good traction with national MOE & regional partners As a tool in capacity building towards better evidence-based policy/planning and As added value component to existing EMIS As opportunity dialogue and clarify confusion around national and international data Questions remain in national integration / implementation

Organization – by Goal / Sector 6

Contents & Analysis

Database Contents National Education data International data National EFA Mid-Decade Assessment Data Education Yearbooks / Statistics reports International data EFA Global Monitoring Report (UNESCO) State of the World’s Children Report (UNICEF) GenderInfo (UNSD) Millennium Development Goals (UNDP/UNSD) Household survey data Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) – South, East and Central Asia Living standards survey (LLSMS) Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Special studies Literacy, Disabilities, Caste and Ethnicity, Economic surveys, Rural education

As experience in ECCE increases, survival in primary education also increases fairly consistently Source: EFA GMR 2008, Mongolia, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

12 Source: Mongolia MICS, 2005

Source: Papua New Guinea, School Census, 2007

14 Source: EFA GMR 2008

Source: Myanmar provisional EFA MDA dataset 15 Source: Myanmar provisional EFA MDA dataset

Legislative, policy and institutional reform exist that are in conformance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Cambodia RATIFIED CEDAW – Date of Accession, 15 October 1992 The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) expressed concern at the fact that primary education is not compulsory and that there are gender disparities in school attendance. The Committee on the Rights of Women (CEDAW) is also concerned about the disparity in school enrollment for males and females and the high drop-out rates of girls. Early and forced marriages are among the obstacles that prevent girls from continuing their education. PNG RATIFIED CEDAW - Date of Accession, 12 January 1995 Myanmar RATIFIED CEDAW - Date of Accession, 22 July 1997 “It is generally accepted that gender differences in Myanmar, in education or any other field, have been slight overall. The Government approves of the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, as under its accession to CEDAW.” Viet Nam RATIFIED CEDAW - Date of Accession, 17 February 1982 The Vietnamese Communist Party and State consider the gender parity and women advancement as the important target in the process of country development. In principle, the gender parity has been achieved in ECCE and other sub-sectors.”

Indicators of Quality Education Source: Sri Lanka School census, Ministry of Education

Quality Education inputs and its effects on performance Source: Sri Lanka School census, Ministry of Education

Source: Vanuatu, MEYDT, Digest of Education Statistics, 2007 19 Source: Vanuatu, MEYDT, Digest of Education Statistics, 2007

Source: Vanuatu, MEYDT, Digest of Education Statistics, 2007

Steps Forward

(interpretation and analysis of data – linked to policy/planning) 2009: Roll-Out / Extension Release of Asia & Pacific EFAInfo East Asia Data for Education decision-making Workshop: Linking evidence to planning and action Evidence for Advocacy Workshop: focussing on gender equality in education South Asia Evidence for Education Advocacy Workshop Emphasis will be placed on creating a demand for data and strengthening skills for application (interpretation and analysis of data – linked to policy/planning)

Strengthening support to sector monitoring How can we better/best suit the needs of national MOE and EFA Forum? How can we align our sectoral work to monitor EFA with national statistics bureau? How can regional training most effectively extend to and support national activities?

UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office thank you Jon F. Kapp Education Specialist jkapp@unicef.org UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office