Kansas Leads the World in the Success of Each Student. Dr. Randy Watson, Kansas Commissioner of Education
Creating a Vision for Kansas “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” - John F. Kennedy
Raising Teacher Voice The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.
Is this what we desire?
What is success? Happy Fulfilled To give back to the community and be in the service of others Skills and attributes that allow one to earn a living in the middle class or beyond
Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.. A NEW Vision for Kansas…. Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.. Based on the feedback received across the state, the board has adopted as its new vision for education “Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.” We intend to challenge the status quo, move away from placing emphasis on a single test score and focus more on helping each student identify and achieve their career aspirations. Teachers, administrators and support staff already are doing great work preparing Kansas’ students for success, and this new vision stands to unite our efforts across the state. You will hear us say we need to rethink how our schools are asked to operate. From a state perspective, we will look at every requirement to determine if and how we are supporting or impeding our schools’ abilities to address the needs of each child.
What Kansans want from their schools Kansas children need quality preschool including all day kindergarten Changes need to be made to address school culture New dynamic roles for counselor and social workers Collaboration between schools and businesses Reorganize schools around students, not the system Community service needs to play a bigger role We also learned that Kansans believe Every child needs access to quality preschool education School culture needs to be addressed – we must value the student going to a two-year or certification program as much as a student attending a four-year institution. Counselors need to be able to help students identify and explore career interests Must be collaboration between schools and businesses to prepare students for postsecondary pursuits Schools must be reorganized around the student, not the system to meet unique needs Community service is an important part of preparing students for life after high school.
Definition of Civic Engagement Civic Engagement is individuals sharing their skills and knowledge through actions intended to improve communities, states, nations, the world, and themselves.
Why do we need to improve civic engagement? Kansas ranks 6th in the percentage of juveniles in detention facilities in the nation. Individuals without a high school diploma, whether they get a GED or not, make up 72.8% of Kansas’ prison population. Kansas spends between $9,972 and $13,025 per year, depending on what data you use, to educate each child in the public school system. The cost of a incarcerating a single individual in a Kansas correctional facility for a year is $24,703, more the $67 per day Source: KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016 and 2016 KSDE Fiscal Audit
Why do we need to improve civic engagement? Kansas ranks: 41st in voter turnout for local elections 38th in doing favors for neighbors 33rd in talking with neighbors 27th in expressing our opinions on the internet 24th in discussing politics with family and friends 23rd in voting Source : 2016 Kansas Civic Health Index
Risk Factors Risk Factors than influence success Cumulative Poverty Chronic Absenteeism Suspension and Expulsion Mobility ELL Population Disabled Student Population Percent of New Teachers
Raising Teacher Voice "Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.“ - Robert F. Kennedy
Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas. Kansans Can achieve anything and, together, Kansans Can lead the world in the success of each student.