April 11, 2014: Aim: How does the state affect our lives? Do Now: Review – list three ways the state affects our lives.
Bringing democracy closer to the people Initiative Proposal by citizens for a law, constitutional amendment, or regulation. Usually a petition.
Bringing democracy closer to the people Referendum: Laws or actions approved by state legislatures must be submitted to the public before becoming official.
Bringing democracy closer to the people Recall: Citizens create a petition to remove a public official from office.
2003 – California Recalls Governor Gray Davis
Answer in your notes: What is recall? How is it a check on elected officials?
What is recall? How is it a check on elected officials? Recall is a citizen-initiated movement to remove a public official from office. Officials can be removed from office before their term of office is up if they do not perform as voters want them to. Voters do not have to wait until election time to get rid of unpopular, ineffective, or “crooked” officials.