By: Your Name Your Teacher’s Name Anne Frank By: Your Name Your Teacher’s Name Fill in the missing info as indicated. Click on the Design Tab and choose from the themes shown. You may change the font if you wish. Click Office Button, Save As. Name your document “Anne Frank Your Name & Partners Name.”
Interesting Facts Born when and where Died when, where, how Parents Names Number of Siblings Diary published when Translated into how many languages Research to find the answers to each of the questions on the left and type the answers. Click on the Polaroid picture in the empty box on the right to add a picture of Anne Frank. (First find a picture of Anne online, right click and save it to your computer.)
Some Quotes from Anne In the box on the left, list 2 or 3 quotes from Anne that have special meaning to you. In the box on the right, click on the Polaroid picture to add a picture of Anne to the slide. (First find a picture of Anne online, right click and save it to your computer.)