Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object? Why or why not? What is Anne’s best friend? Why did she make her diary her best friend rather than her partner?
World War II Jews were rounded up by Nazi soldiers and forced to leave home.
Polish Jews on their way to a Nazi death camp Jews in a concentration camp(集中营)
The Holocaust (大屠杀) A mass grave Victims of the gas chambers(毒气室) The remains of Jews
Anne Frank 1929 Born in Germany
1933 Moved to Amsterdam
From 1940 Hidden in a building for two years, writing diary
1944 Discovered and was killed the next year
Her diary was published after the war
Anne’s Best Friend passage A Background passage B
Thursday 15th June,1944 Dear Kitty, Yours, Anne a diary a letter
Fast reading Scanning: passage A her diary--Kitty Netherlands The place of the story The heroine’s(女主人公)full name Her best friend The length of time her family hid away The time they started to hide Netherlands Anne Frank her diary--Kitty over two years July 1942
Reading method when where who what why how
Fast reading Ex1. Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They have to hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because she couldn’t meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and put away. she could tell everything to it. she wanted it to be her best friend.
Fast reading Scanning: passage B Main idea of the diary Anne expressed _______________________ after hiding for a long time. ______________________kept Anne spellbound. her feelings about nature Everything about nature
Careful reading Read the diary carefully and fill in the table. Time Nature Feeling Before hiding After hiding blue sky, songs of birds, moonlight, flowers never felt spellbound darkness, rain, wind, thundering clouds felt crazy
What were her deepest feelings and thoughts? a …__________________________ nature crazy about everything to do with b …__________ open a window didn’t dare c. The dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds _________________________. held her entirely in their power d. Nature is one thing __________________________. that really must be experienced
a. I’ve grown crazy about everything to do with nature. I’m very interested in nature. in the past, ___________________ ___________. I was not interested in nature at all There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound(迷住).
Why? b. I didn’t dare open a window. I was afraid that I might be discovered by the German Nazis.
c. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power. I was surprised and attracted by the power of nature. 漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,全然将我镇住了。
Anne’s deepest feelings Share your idea anxious eager Anne’s deepest feelings excited sad earnest lonely hopeless crazy helpless frightened calm
Discussion What are your feelings after you read Anne’s story and her diary? What a poor girl! She couldn’t even experience nature in two years! A life without a friend is a life without the sun. If people all over the world are friends, the world will be in peace.
Homework What would you miss most if you went into hiding like Anne? Explain why? 完形填空(随堂纠错P13) 阅读笔记