Fátima Moreno and Beatriz Quejido CHARLES DICKENS Fátima Moreno and Beatriz Quejido
PERSONAL LIFE 1812 Bad childhood work inspiration Boz The Papers of Pickwicks -1837 Oliver Twist -1839 Catherine Hogarth Travels 1870- Abbey of Westminster
MAIN WORKS The Pickwick Papers David Copperfield Oliver Twist Nicholas Nickleby Dombey and Son David Copperfield The Bleak House A Tale of Two Cities A Christmas Carol Hard Times, Great Expectations, Little Dorrit
STYLE He showed: Settings: countryside, old England, industrial settlements Many adjectives and details Characters: lower and middle class, good/bad Mix: social criticism and comic Plot: intrigue, mystery his awareness of social injustice poverty and suffering of people corruption
RELEVANCE NEW TOPICS Marginalised and humble people Society Reality of England
SOURCES http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/dickens/dickensbio2.html https://elpais.com/cultura/2012/01/20/actualidad/1327052937_689331.html https://www.charlesdickensinfo.com/novels/complete-works/ https://www.skuola.net/letteratura-inglese-1800-1900/dickens-life-style.html http://www.mantex.co.uk/2009/09/30/charles-dickens-greatest-works/