2014-2015 PoHi TLE information
Full Implementation of TLE – 2015-2016
Qualitative Data
Observations (50% of pie) Domains 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Marzano learning maps are to be used for observation this year. August 18, 2014 - May 1, 2015 Observations may begin now and must be completed to count toward the Final Evaluation by May 1.
Observation & post-conference timeline Category 1 Teachers – worked in district less than three years 1 Conference Prior to each date - November 15, February 10, and May 1 (3 conferences) Category 2 Teachers – worked in district more than three years 2 Conferences Prior to May 1
Domain Weights Domain 1: 68.33% - 41 Elements
Category I Category II At least 55% at Level 4 Superior (5) Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Needs Improvement (2) Ineffective (1) At least 55% at Level 4 At least 55% at Level 3 or higher Less than 75% at Level 1 or lower 75% or more at Level 1 or lower and more than 0% at Level 3 or Higher 75% or more at Level 1 or lower and 0% at Level 3 or higher Category II Superior (5) Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Needs Improvement (2) Ineffective (1) At least 65% at Level 4 At least 65% at Level 3 or Higher Less than 65% at Level 1 or lower 65% or more at Level 1 or lower and more than 0% at Level 3 or Higher 65% or more at Level 1 or lower and 0% at Level 3 or higher
New Piece of the instructional improvement process to be added SY14-15 One formal observation must include a pre and post/reflective conference. The post/reflective conference will serve as one required post conference. Observation of lesson will be at least 20 consecutive minutes. Documents to support this process will be provided Pre-planning form A (completed and discussed with evaluating principal before observation) Lesson plan (teacher may choose the PoHi lesson plan or the Learning Sciences “intentional thinking map”completed and turned in to evaluating principal with pre-planning form) Post/Reflective Conference form A (completed with evaluating principal in the post/reflective-conference, after observation of planned lesson)
Pre-Planning Conference Purpose: To discuss the lesson to be observed. Tips: Planning conference should be scheduled Should bring completed pre-planning form and lesson plan Both the observer and teacher should have a clear understanding of the planned lesson to be observed Will fulfill data points for Domain 2 Schedule observation of lesson
Post/Reflection Conference Purpose: To discuss observed lesson, related documents and student work/data from the lesson to plan for future practice. Tips: This conference will fulfill data points in Domain 3 Reflection Conference should be completed as soon after the observation as possible, in the teacher and administrator’s schedules Teacher/Observer will discuss the next steps as a result of the planning/reflective process Responses and questions can be prepared ahead of time, based on the emailed observation and feedback provided.
Forms Domain 1 learning map changes are geared to promoting college and career readiness Learning map for Domains 2, 3, 4 Preview pre-conference form, 2 options for lesson plan, and post/reflective conference form.
Quantitative Data
Other Academic Measures (15% of Pie) Other Academic Measures are to be completed by the end of the first quarter, which is October 15, 2014. The OAM part A must be completed and turned in to evaluating principal, with a copy of the pre-test and results of pre-test. See your evaluating principal or D. Hawkins for additional information regarding OAMs.
Support for OAMS You will find various examples of OAMs on the OSDE website. Go to osde.gov, Click on Educators, Scroll down to Teacher Evaluation, Click on Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE), Click on OAM Sample Worksheet Resources. The examples include OAMs such as alternative education, nurses, librarians, SPED (17 examples), Counselors, Art/Music Expression, Elementary Music, Instrumental/Vocal Music, and Yearbook.
Roster Verification 2014–2015 Information MUST be as accurate as possible because student academic growth information is scheduled to be compiled for the 2015-2016 teacher evaluation.
Support for TLE We will keep you updated with the latest information and will provide technical support for all components of TLE.
Summary Domains 2, 3, 4 will be added to Domain 1 for observations this year For one observation you will have a pre-conference and post/reflective conference with your evaluating principal, with forms and a lesson plan completed, to achieve data points of Domains 2 and 3, as well as state law Domain 4 includes parent contact and professionalism. The documentation of parent contact each nine weeks and PLC participation will achieve data points in this domain. OAMs and pre-tests for OAMS completed and due to evaluating principals in the first nine weeks of school Keep track of students in/out of your class for accurate Roster Verification