RBI European Collaborative Bid Development Fund Neil Phillips Research Business and Innovation (RBI)
How did the RBI travel fund start ? As a result of feedback from the previous EU Funding Seminar. Several members of staff mentioned the difficulty of rapidly securing relatively small amounts of funding for pre-bid meetings with European partners.
What does the fund pay for ? The fund contributes to the setting up of collaborative consortia to apply for EU funding. For example, up to £250 towards the cost of travel & accommodation to attend pre-bid meetings with potential project partners.
How are applications evaluated ? Requests are considered by RBI with input from Faculties / Schools. Grants are awarded equitably to ensure as many EU project proposals as possible are supported.
What do you have to do to apply ? Complete a very simple 1 page form (10 questions) Sign the form Ask your Head of Department to sign the form Pass the completed form to RBI for a decision (Blank application forms available on RBI web pages) http://rbi.uwe.ac.uk/internet/Research/europeanprojects/default.asp
What Questions are asked on the application form? Name of applicant Which faculty does the applicant belong to Project title (or provisional title) Brief description of project proposal & current state of development (300 words max) Target funding source ( e.g. Health, ICT) Potential EU collaborating partners Any existing project groups or networks Other sources of funding sought in addition to RBI Proposed date(s) of expenditure How would the money be spent
How long does it take RBI to make a decision ? Average decision time is less than 48 hours* (* dependant on the availability of staff, e.g. if you apply on Christmas day it may take a little longer)
What percentage of requests successful? Approx 80%
Q&A Research, Business and Innovation