Homework Practice your Persuasive Speech Finish your Speaking Outline. You must turn in your Speaking Outline before your speech, so Print 2 Copies! If you made changes to your topic, then bring me a new copy of your Preparation Outline. Choose a Video Partner – Someone to record your Speech. REQUIRED
Chapter 15 Speaking on Special Occasions
Speeches of Special Occasion Weddings Funerals Graduations Award Ceremonies Retirement Dinners Anniversaries
Speeches of Introduction Purpose: Build enthusiasm for the Speaker and Topic Establish a welcoming Atmosphere Boost the speaker's Credibility
Tips to Speeches of Introduction Be brief Be accurate – practice saying their NAME correctly!
Tips to Speeches of Introduction Adapt: To the occasion – formal vs informal To the speaker – make comfortable To the audience – “make this audience want to hear this speaker on this subject!
Tips to Speeches of Introduction Create a Sense of Anticipation and Drama: Reveal the Speakers name at the end See page 224
Speeches of Presentation Recognition of: Gifts Awards Achievements
Speeches of Presentation Briefly Highlight: Achievements relating to the award What the award is for Praise all competitors involved See page 226
Speeches of Acceptance To Give Thanks for: A Gift An Award Any other form of recognition
Speeches of Acceptance Tips: Thank those who gave the award Recognize those who helped you win the award Do it with sincerity, humility, graciousness, and brevity! See p. 227
Toasts A speech of: Greeting Celebration or Thanks at a meal or reception
Toasts Tips: Be aware of any cultural traditions, manners, or special phrases Be brief and gracious Be appropriate to the occasion Be standing and speak to everyone Raise your glass to the honored person and take a small drink See page 228
Commemorative Speeches Pay Tribute to: A Person A Group An Institution An Idea To pay tribute means to praise or celebrate something or someone.
Commemorative Speeches Examples are: Eulogies National Day Dedications RUC 2012 Eulogies are speeches made to remember someone who has died.
Commemorative Speeches Purpose: To Inspire To explain the essence of your subject To generate deep respect, express feelings, and proclaim good wishes and admiration Inspire: to arouse and heighten appreciation of or admiration for a person or thing.
Commemorative Speeches Are like an impressionist painting Use creative and subtle language Are often eloquent Avoid clichés and trite sentiments Use imagery See page 230 Eloquent: fluent, forceful, and vividly expressive speech. Clichés: overused phrases and expressions.
Homework: Page 232 #3. In groups practice your 1-2 minute speeches of introduction. Take 2-3 minutes to give feedback to each other. What was good? What needs improvement? Agree on the best speech of the group.