Theme discussion The major achievements of the PSC so far, and the tasks/challenges lying ahead
Purpose Initial brainstorm on PSC’s mandate and tasks 2013-2016. Create good ideas and exiting projects. The PSC is at a cross-road – what should we do next. Continue business as usual or something else?
PSC’s successes and achievements Establishment of the ISSAI Framework Development and endorsement of 46 ISSAIs and 3 INTOSAI GOVs Due Process for developing, revising and withdrawing ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs Establishing appropriate maintenance of the ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs
PSC’s successes and achievements The South Africa Declaration Raising awareness of the ISSAI Framework ISSAI roll out model Cooperation with IFAC and IIA
Now what?
PSC’s mandate 2011-2013 Mandate: The Harmonisation Project Raising awareness of the ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs Continued development and maintenance of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs
INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016 Goal: Promote strong, independent and multidiciplinary SAIs and encourage good governance by: (1) Providing and maintaining international standards of supreme audit institutions (ISSAIs) and (2) contributing to the development and adoption of appropriate and effective professional standards
INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016 Strategies: Raise awareness of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs Move from a development phase to a maintenance phase Provide and maintain the ISSAIs
Theme discussion Initial brainstorm on PSC’s mandate and tasks 2013-2016. Will not be included in the minutes. No decisions are made at this point. Discussions only serve as inspiration for future discussions.
How to? Three discussion groups led by a facilitator Phase 1: Reverse brainstorm Phase 2: Idea development Phase 3: Wrap-up Summing up the theme discussion
Ground rules! No critique – do not assess along the way. There are no stupid or wrong ideas. Provide as many ideas and suggestions as possible. No idea is too crazy or too wild. These ideas are conducive to the creative process. Please elaborate and combine ideas to new ideas Have fun!
Three discussion groups Three broad discussion themes: Awareness Raising and implementation Organisational set-up/Structure of the PSC Further development of the ISSAI Framework