Roll Call Flood Map Modernization June 10, 2008
Region 3 Map Mod: GIS Mission Create up-to-date flood hazard data and maps Flood hazards depicted on paper maps, Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and as data in Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) databases Develop Partnerships for Production that Enhance Capability (local, state, fed) Reduce loss of life and property
GIS Products: National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) NFHL Available Products New version of “Mapviewer-Web” Uses the new NFHL database New reporting and printing capabilities Web Map Service (WMS) New “NFHL” service with improved map symbology Refresh the “flood” service to use the new NFHL database New or refreshed Google Earth “kmz” files that use the new “NFHL” WMS
Region 3 Map Mod Contact Information: Vanessa Glynn-Linaris FEMA Region III, Mitigation Division, Risk Analysis Branch GIS Specialist & HAZUS POC FEMA Region III 615 Chestnut Street, 6th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106 (P)215-931-5723