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Southern Region MTSS PLC Welcome! Housekeeping: Results from May poll Peers as Partners in Learning (PPL) Ann Kerben Facilitator, Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) Wrap up
Poll Results Who coordinates MTSS at the school level? Varies from school to school – 44% School Counselor – 39% Coach/Facilitator/Intervention Specialist Principal and MTSS Facilitator/Contact Literacy Coach Curriculum Coordinator
Poll Results Is this a person whose position was created for and dedicated exclusively to supporting MTSS implementation at the school level? Yes: 12% No: 88%
Peers as Partners in Learning (PPL)
Peers as Partners in Learning (9-12) #1400340 In an effort to best serve our students in the Least Restrictive Environment and to maximize our staff's time to create opportunities for increased student achievement, an effective, natural and underutilized resource on every campus is Peers! Enrolling students in the Peers as Partners in Learning (PPL) course enables schools to match struggling learners with disabilities with their peers in the classes where additional support was needed, along with the regularly scheduled support from an ESE teacher. The peer mentors provide support for reading, note-taking, staying on task, following directions, use of technology and other tools and strategies to support re-teaching and learning of concepts.
Poll Questions Has your district implemented the Peers as Partners in Learning course? What, if anything, do you currently know about the course?
Common Language Peers as Partners in Learning (PPL) Not student assistants or helpers Peer partners: Do... serve in partnership Don’t…help
Peers as Partners in Learning: Vision The power of peers is leveraged to effect cultural change leading to consensus and strengthened systems that support meaningful school and community inclusion.
Peers as Partners in Learning: Purpose The PPL course is designed to provide reciprocal academic, social, and interpersonal benefits to students with and without disabilities.
Peers as Partners in Learning… Increases: graduation rates for SWDs Attendance Academic Achievement Decreases and prevents: Discipline referrals Bullying Promotes inclusive schools, districts, and communities
School Connectedness: The belief by students that people in the school care about their learning and them as individuals… is a powerful protective factor in the lives of young people and an important prerequisite to reduced bullying, greater academic achievement, lower dropout rates, improved grades, fewer discipline referrals, and fewer high-risk behaviors. Blum & Libbey, 2004; http://www.casel.org/basics/climate.php
PPL Conceptual Framework Desired effect in students and teachers
Step 1: District Course Approval – Planning and Implementing the Course/Program Step 1: District Course Approval – Consult with school district to adopt course. Identify program development team members at the high school level. Get buy-in from stakeholders. Market the program/elective course to enroll students. Prior to the meeting, determine who will facilitate the team discussion, who will record the data sources and who will keep the team moving along in a timely fashion through the process. This is a very important step as it will make the your BPIE assessment process run smoothly.
Identify program development team members at the high school level Identify program development team members at the high school level. ESE certified teacher, administrator, guidance counselor, etc. Get buy-in from stakeholders. Market the program/elective course to enroll students.
Step 2: Student Recruitment and Selection Establish enrollment criteria (GPA, self- awareness, positive behavior and attendance). Obtain teacher recommendation. Develop/determine application and interview criteria/process. Select and match peer partners. Prior to the meeting, determine who will facilitate the team discussion, who will record the data sources and who will keep the team moving along in a timely fashion through the process. This is a very important step as it will make the your BPIE assessment process run smoothly.
1 year unweighted elective for 9-12 grade Course maybe used multiple times Teacher of record MUST be ESE certified Does not replace co-teaching or specialized instruction Application process for being selected into this elective
Cameron Meehan & Carson Hall PEER INCLUSION TEAM https://www.facebook.com/OrangeCountyPublicScho ols/videos/vb.166162402242/10155265602302243/? type=3
Thanks for your efforts to build inclusive schools!! Ann Kerben, FIN Facilitator akerben@pcsb.k12.fl.us 727-793-2723, ext. 2044 www.FloridaInclusionNetwork.com Adjourn!
Connect with Us! Florida’s Problem-Solving/Response to Intervention Project http://www.floridarti.usf.edu/ Email: rti@usf.edu Facebook: flpsrti Twitter: @flpsrti Florida Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support Project http://flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/ Email: flpbs@fmhi.usf.edu Facebook: flpbis Twitter: @flpbis
**No July PLC Session** Access session materials on our wiki: http://southern-region-mtss-plc.flmtss.wikispaces.net/ **No July PLC Session** Our next online PLC Session: Aug. 8, 2017 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. EST
MTSS Technical Assistance Contacts Southern Region Kelly Justice Regional Coordinator Florida PS/RtI Project justice@usf.edu Stephanie Martinez Technical Assistance Specialist Florida’s PBIS Project sam2@usf.edu Devon Minch dminch@usf.edu Robyn Vanover robynvanover@usf.edu Brian Gaunt Inter-project Coordinator bgaunt@usf.edu