The State Employment Agency Riga, 29 May 2017
Structure of enterprises: - micro (85.5%) 110 one-level municipalities and 9 major cities. Almost half of the population lives in Riga (the capital). With 50 % of its territory covered by forests, a vast network of free flowing rivers and thousands of lakes, Latvia is one of Europe’s best preserved havens for a wide variety of wildlife Population in 2016: 1, 968, 957 Area: 64,589 Industries: Information technologies, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, electronics, mechanical engineering, timber and construction, food processing, textiles, fishery and agriculture Structure of enterprises: - micro (85.5%) - small (11.6%) - medium (2.4%) - large (0.5%)
Labour Market Situation (2016) Population – Labour Market Situation (2016) Economically active (15-74) 988 600 (50%) Employed (15-74) 893 300 (90%) Unemployed (15-74) 95 300 (10%) Economically inactive (15-74) 461 700 Pupils/students, Retired Persons with disabilities Family reasons Others (<15 and >74) 517 700 26% 24% Data source: Central Statistical Bureau
The State Employment Agency SEA works under the supervision of the Minister of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia. 860 staff positions, 211 of those in the central office. ESF projekti: Youth Guarantee , Development of the Labour Market Forecasting System (ESF), Support for the education of unemployed people, EURES network activities in Latvia, Support for the long-term unemployed, Subsidized jobs for the unemployed un 50 +
Network of Regional Branches Liepāja Ventspils Kuldīga Talsi Tukums Saldus Dobele Jūrmala Jelgava Rīga Sigulda Ogre Limbaži Cēsis Valmiera Valka Alūksne Gulbene Balvi Ludza Rēzekne Krāslava Daugavpils Preiļi Jēkabpils Madona Aizkraukle Bauska 28 branch offices 649 staff positions
Priorities of the State Employment Agency More active work with clients Improved services according needs of clients Implementation of the Strategy for cooperation with employers Improved management of ICT resources of the SEA Informed and involved clients, partners and stakeholders about activities of the SEA Human resource challenges International cooperation activities (PES network, Baltic states cooperation)
Registered Unemployment Rate – 7,6 %* (22.05.2017.) Ekonomiski aktīvo iedzīvotāju skaits 2015. gadā. *The number of unemployed people as a percentage of the economically active people (age 15 - 62)
Registered Unemployment and Vacancies *The number of unemployed people as a percentage of the economically active people (age 15 - 62)
Target Groups of Unemployed
Activities of the Agency
ESF Project Management Experience 2004-2006 ESF – 29,2 m EUR 3 ESF projects 2007-2013 ESF - 195,6m EUR 14 ESF projects 2014-2020 ESF – 206,3m EUR 7 ESF projects Beneficiary body 2004-2006: Apmācības bezdarbnieku un darba meklētāju konkurētspējas nodrošināšanai Apmācību nodrošināšana sociālās atstumtības riska grupām, iekļaujot informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju atbalstu invalīdiem Bezdarbnieku pārkvalifikācija un tālākizglītība 2007-2013: "Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras kapacitātes pilnveide" "Darba attiecību un darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiska piemērošana nozarēs un uzņēmumos" "Pasākumi noteiktām personu grupām« "Kompleksi atbalsta pasākumi" "Klusuma pasaule" "Sociālās rehabilitācijas pakalpojumu attīstība personām ar redzes traucējumiem Latvijā" Bezdarbnieku un darba meklētāju apmācība Latvijā-2 Darbspēju vērtēšanas sistēmas pilnveidošana Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras darba tirgus prognozēšanas un uzraudzības sistēmas attīstība Mūžizglītības pasākumi nodarbinātām personām Bezdarbnieku un darba meklētāju apmācība - 3.kārta Darba tirgus pieprasījuma vidēja termiņa un ilgtermiņa prognozēšanas sistēmas attīstība Algotie pagaidu sabiedriskie darbi pašvaldībās Intermediate body
Current ESF Projects Youth Guarantee 2 January 2014 – 30 June 2018 17 August 2016 – 31 December 2021 Development of the Labour Market Forecasting System January 2015 – December 2021 Support for the education of unemployed people 25 March 2015 - 31 December 2020 EURES network activities in Latvia December 2015 – 31 December 2021 Support for the long-term unemployed 2 February 2015 – 31 December 2022 Subsidized jobs for the unemployed Implementation foreseen at the beginning of 2017 Support for longer employment (50 +) Aģentūras struktūrā zem ESF fondu departamenta bija norādīti 7 īstenojamie projekti. Šeit tie ir nosaukti.
Cooperation with municipalities Insured by central office and regional branches. Regular exchange with information; Municipalities have obligation to publish vacancies; Joint INTERREG projects: Valka-Valga project between employment services of Estonia and Latvia, Valga city council and Valka municipality (to be confirmed). Cooperation with social services.
International Cooperation The priority of the SEA is cooperation with PES of the Baltic States: Agreement since 16th October, 2015 the State Employment Agency of Latvia has signed with the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Lithuanian Labour Exchange. The purpose: to establish a partnership for exchange of information, expertise and best practices in the field of labour market and employment services. SEA is member of the Board of European Public Employment Services. International cooperation – for capacity building of SEA employees and sharing/ learning best practices.