Low Mass mechanical design
Intro Brief detector design overview Overview of assembly process Potential improvements Detector structure Detector-beampipe interface Assembly process Try to answer some questions
Detector design V5
Bulkhead geometry
Sliding joint
Photos of assembly – Ladder metrology
Photos of assembly – Glue application
Photos of assembly – Silicon mounting
Photos of assembly – Finished components
Photos of assembly – Assembly jig
Photos of assembly – Jig with bulkheads
Photos of assembly – Glue application
Photos of assembly – Ladder pre-positioning
Photos of assembly – Ladder pre-positioning
Photos of assembly – Ladder positioning
Photos of assembly – Mounted ladder
Photos of assembly – Mounting order
Photos of assembly – ?
Photos of assembly – Removal from jig
Photos of assembly – Mounted on beampipe
Photos of assembly – Finished structure
Photos of assembly – Sensor mounting
Photos of assembly – Surveying
Improvements – detector structure No foam-on-foam contact No slots Wider clearances Thinner components <2mm bulkheads 1.2mm ladders V6 Try to answer some questions
Improvements – detector-beampipe Springs not required Bond bush to bulkhead Current design should scale up to full barrel structure Try to answer some questions
Improvements – assembly process Assembly by machine Component metrology prior to assembly Try to answer some questions