Hospital admissions per patient, by modality figure 5


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Presentation transcript:

Hospital admissions per patient, by modality figure 5 Hospital admissions per patient, by modality figure 5.1, prevalent patients USRDS

Hospital days per admission & per patient year at risk, by modality figure 5.2, prevalent patients USRDS

Hospital admissions per patient figure 5 Hospital admissions per patient figure 5.3, prevalent ESRD patients, 1998 Hospital admissions per patient USRDS

Hospital days per admission figure 5.4, prevalent ESRD patients, 1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.5, prevalent ESRD patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.6, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.7, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.8, prevalent transplant patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.9, prevalent diabetic ESRD patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital days per year at risk figure 5 Hospital days per year at risk figure 5.10, prevalent non-diabetic ESRD patients, 1998 Hospital days per year at risk USRDS

Hospital admissions by age group figure 5 Hospital admissions by age group figure 5.11, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital admissions by race figure 5.12, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital admissions by diabetic status figure 5 Hospital admissions by diabetic status figure 5.13, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group& race: Hemodialysis figure 5 Hospital days per year by age group& race: Hemodialysis figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group & race: Peritoneal dialysis figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group& race: Transplant figure 5 Hospital days per year by age group& race: Transplant figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group& race: All dialysis figure 5 Hospital days per year by age group& race: All dialysis figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group & diabetic status: Diabetics figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Hospital days per year by age group & diabetic status: Non-diabetics figure 5.14, prevalent patients, 1996-1998 USRDS

Frequency of vascular access procedures, hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of vascular access procedures, hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of infection (overall), hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of infection (overall), hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of infection (vascular access), hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of infection (vascular access), hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of cardiovascular (overall) diagnoses, hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of cardiovascular (overall) diagnoses, hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of heart catheterizations, hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of heart catheterizations, hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of amputations, hemodialysis figure 5 Frequency of amputations, hemodialysis figure 5.15, prevalent hemodialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of catheter complications, peritoneal dialysis figure 5 Frequency of catheter complications, peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of infection (overall), peritoneal dialysis figure 5 Frequency of infection (overall), peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of infection (peritonitis) peritoneal dialysis figure 5 Frequency of infection (peritonitis) peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of cardiovascular (overall) diagnoses, peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients, 1998 USRDS

Frequency of heart catheterizations, peritoneal dialysis figure 5 Frequency of heart catheterizations, peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients USRDS

Frequency of amputations, peritoneal dialysis figure 5 Frequency of amputations, peritoneal dialysis figure 5.16, prevalent peritoneal dialysis patients USRDS

Hospital days for cardiovascular & amputation procedures figure 5 Hospital days for cardiovascular & amputation procedures figure 5.17, prevalent dialysis patients, 1998 Asian N. Am. Black White Asian N. Am. Black White USRDS

Hospital days for heart catheterizations & revascularizations figure 5 Hospital days for heart catheterizations & revascularizations figure 5.18, prevalent dialysis patients, 1998 Asian N. Am. Black White Asian N. Am. Black White USRDS

Hospital days for access infections & complications figure 5 Hospital days for access infections & complications figure 5.19, prevalent dialysis patients, 1998 Asian N. Am. Black White Asian N. Am. Black White USRDS

Hospital admissions per patients figure 5 Hospital admissions per patients figure 5.20, incident & prevalent transplant patients USRDS

Development of new diagnoses figure 5 Development of new diagnoses figure 5.21, prevalent ESRD patients without a prior history of the diagnosis USRDS

Development of new diagnoses (cont. ) figure 5 Development of new diagnoses (cont.) figure 5.21, prevalent ESRD patients without a prior history of the diagnosis USRDS