The Rise of Utah County
Utah County economy growing at a rapid clip Job growth August 2016-August 2017 Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services
Utah’s Silicon Slopes Corridor Key Stats 25 miles 17 cities 74,744 net new jobs since 2010 252,486 total jobs 38% of increase in jobs statewide 2010-2015 Annual growth averages 8.4% Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
Nearly one out of every five new residential units located in four cities Utah office construction: Top five cities 2010-2016 Value (millions) Share of State Salt Lake City $466.7 24.3% Lehi $370.8 19.3% Provo $196.7 10.3% Midvale $107.7 5.6% Draper $97.9 5.1% State $1,917.2 100.0% Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute and Ivory-Boyer Construction Database
Buildable Land Supply Salt Lake County 37,118 Acres Utah County Weber and Davis County 52,736 Acres Not Updated Source: Envision Utah
Population Projections State and County Population Projections
Utah County projected to be the second fastest growing county over the next 50 years Percent change in population: 2015-2065 Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
Utah County is projected to add over 1 million new residents over the next 50 years Absolute population change by county: 2015-2065 Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
Utah County is projected to nearly reach the size of Salt Lake County by 2065 Projected population in 2065 Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
Nearly one in three Utahns is projected to live in Utah County in 2065 County share of state population: 2065 Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
More than one in every three new Utahns are projected to live in Utah County County share of total state growth: 2015-2065 Not Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
Utah Population Pyramid Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
Utah County Population Pyramid: 2015 and 2065 Updated Source: Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute 2015-2065 State and County Projections
Things to think about… Transportation (land, air and water) Critical land conservation Affordable housing Tax modernization (user fees) Growth, aging and cultural diversity U N I V E R S I T Y of U T A H • D A V I D E C C L E S S C H O O L of B U S I N E S S
Full speed ahead! Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Eccles School Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Eccles School
Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute David Eccles School of Business | 411 E. South Temple Street Salt Lake City, UT 84111 | 801-585-5618 | | | LinkedIn